Page 48 of Enduring Darkness

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My heart jerks. Because God damn, I like the sight of him on his knees before me.

A shiver rolls down my spine as Kaden draws his hand over the inside of my thigh and then down my leg until he reaches my ankle. Electricity skitters across my skin at his featherlight touch. I shift my stance slightly as he then locks my ankle into one side of the spreader bar.

Then he twists and grabs my other ankle.

With effortless power, he moves my leg to the side, widening my stance, until my ankle reaches the other shackle. Then he locks that one as well.

I’m left standing there with my wrists handcuffed behind my back and my legs spread wide and trapped in that metal rod.

Kaden straightens again.

Wickedness glints in his eyes as he looks me up and down. It makes my pulse race and my stomach lurch, but I manage to keep my features blank as I hold his gaze.

The corner of his mouth tilts upwards, as if he can see right through me.

I lick my lips.

“Worried?” he taunts.



“Maybe if you actually did something that makes me worry, I would be,” I retort in a mocking tone.

I regret it the second that the words are out of my mouth.

Kaden’s gaze sharpens, and he wraps his hand around my jaw. “You’re going to regret that you said that.”

I know, I almost reply.

Releasing my chin, he walks back to his duffel bag again and pulls out a metal chain. I swallow, my eyes tracking his movements as he returns. My skin prickles with both anticipation and worry as he fastens the chain to my handcuffs.

Metallic rattling fills the dead silent training room as Kaden slings the other end over the hook that the punching bag used to hang from. Then he starts pulling.

I suck in a gasp as my hands are forced upwards into the air behind my back.

Kaden keeps pulling on the chain until I have to bend over to prevent my shoulders from being dislocated by the unnatural angle of my arms. When I’m leaning forwards in that way, I’m not in any danger of actually hurting anything in my arms or shoulders, but there is a constant strain on my muscles.

“Kaden,” I say, my voice coming out more uncertain than I would’ve liked.

Completely naked, slightly bent over with my legs shackled and spread wide, and my arms forced up behind me like this, I suddenly feel very vulnerable.

“Yes, little doe?” Kaden replies as he saunters back to his duffel bag again.

Several sentences are right there on my tongue. Each one more pitiful than the last. I force myself to swallow them and instead say, “So, what challenge do you have for me this time?”

Only silence answers me while Kaden rummages around in his duffel bag. Once he has found what he’s looking for, he straightens and then strides back to me. Because of the angle, I can’t see what he’s holding until he stops right in front of me.

Shock pulses through my soul.

For a few seconds, all I can do is to stare at the sleek black vibrator that Kaden is holding. It’s one of those handheld wand things.

Jerking my head back, I stare up at him with wide eyes.

“No challenge today,” Kaden says. Anticipation and cold amusement dance across his face. “I already know that you will lose. Today, I’m just going to see how long it takes for you to start begging me.”

My heart pounds in my chest. “Begging you for what?”

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