Page 140 of Enduring Darkness

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I use that opportunity to close the distance between us and slide out two knives.

“I will not teach you how to evade someone in a knife fight.” A sly smile curls my lips as I come to a halt before her. “I will teach you how to fight with knives.”

Spinning the blades in my hands, I hold them up, offering them to her hilt first.

Shock pulses across her features. Her mouth drops open a little, but no sound makes it out, as she stares between my face and the blades I’m offering her.

“No one touches your knives,” she manages to press out at last.

“Exactly. No one except my brothers.” I hold her gaze with serious eyes. “And you.”

She sucks in a small breath.

My heart flips at the tiny sound of shock and the emotions that flood her eyes.

Reaching forward hesitantly, she curls her fingers around the hilts.

Once she has a firm grip on them, I release the blades.

She looks down at them and then flexes her fingers on the hilts.

Heat washes through my body and fills my soul with pulsing fire as I watch Alina straighten and roll her shoulders back as she falls into an attack position. Because the sight of my blades in her hands is the hottest fucking thing I have ever seen.

God, she’s perfect.

And she is mine.



After our activities last night and the knife fight lessons in the ballroom, my muscles are sore and my body is exhausted. But my heart has never been happier. This is what I want for my future. Him. Us. This feeling of being invincible. Untouchable. Like we can do whatever we want, and to hell with everyone else’s opinions.

“What’s that little smirk for?”

I blink, coming back to reality, and look up from my plate to find Kaden watching me from across the table.

The grand dining room around us is packed with people, their cheerful chatter floating through the warm air like a soft blanket. Hundreds of candles are burning in the gothic chandeliers in the ceiling, bathing the large room with warm light and glinting in the pristine silverware.

Composing myself, I flash Kaden an even wider smirk. “I was just thinking about our future.”

“Oh?” He raises his eyebrows. “And what does that entail?”

“Doing whatever the hell we want, and God help anyone who tries to stop us.”

His dark eyes glitter and a smile spreads across his lips as well. “Keep talking like that and you’ll find yourself with my ring on your finger and my last name before the year is over.”

Surprise flits through me. “You want to marry me?”

“Of course I do.” He frowns at me as if that should’ve been obvious. “Why wouldn’t I?”

I clear my throat a bit self-consciously. “Well, I thought, since you’ve said it yourself that you don’t really do the cute couple things… I just thought that maybe…” I trail off, not sure how to finish.

“You’re mine.”

A ripple courses through me at the dark possessiveness in his voice. Swallowing, I hold his intense gaze as he locks serious eyes on me.

“You are mine,” he repeats, enunciating every word. “And I want the whole fucking world to know that. So you will have my ring on your finger. It’s not a matter of if. It’s when.” Mischief sparkles in his eyes and a sly smile curves his lips as he gives me a knowing look. “And besides, I want to tie you to me in every possible way so that you can never escape me.”
