Page 108 of Enduring Darkness

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“But,” I press on before they can get too comfortable. “If you ever do something as stupid as to steal my clothes, or do anything at all to mess with me again, I will tell Carla what you said. Understood?”

They nod quickly.

“Yes, of course,” Jane says.

“We won’t mess with you again,” Leslie promises.

“Good.” I nod. “Then we’re done here.”

Without waiting for them to reply, I simply stride away.

Excitement and victory bounce around inside me, and that wide grin at last spreads across my mouth the moment my back is to my two former bullies.

Not only do I now know that Carla and the others actually like me, I have also managed, completely on my own, to blackmail Jane and Leslie into backing off. No more missing clothes. No more cruel words.

Nothing can dim the happiness sparkling inside me now.

I jerk to a halt as my eyes suddenly land on a man standing halfway between the parking lot and the canteen building.


He looks like a lethal storm incarnate. Barely leashed violence rolls off his broad shoulders like smoke, and his right hand is already closed around the hilt of a knife. His black hair is uncharacteristically disheveled, as if he has run his fingers through it repeatedly, and he is staring at me with eyes so intense that my heart stops for a second. It looks like he is trying to carve me open with his gaze alone and read the deepest darkest secrets of my soul.

Well, that might be able to dim my happiness.

I heave a short sigh. I guess my week of peace is now officially over.

No, actually, fuck that. I won’t let him ruin this moment of victory for me.

Pulling out my phone, I quickly type out a text while I slowly move towards the canteen building.

Me: No. I’m in a really good mood right now. Don’t you dare ruin it.

Kaden releases the grip on his knife and instead slides his own phone out of his pocket. He reads my text while I continue to edge forward. Closer to the canteen building. And to him.

Once he’s done, he looks up again. His gaze slides to the parking lot behind me. But even if he can see Jane and Leslie there, there’s no way for him to know what happened today. And I will die before I ever allow him to find out that I was bawling my eyes out on the locker room floor half an hour ago, so I just keep my face blank, not giving anything away, and simply raise my eyebrows expectantly.

He types something.

My phone vibrates.

I look down at it.

Kaden Hunter: Fine. Then I will just collect later instead. With steep interest.

A soft scoff escapes my throat. But I suppose that’s as much kindness and mercy as I will ever get from him, so I take the win and slip my phone back into my pocket.

Only a few steps separate us now.

His eyes burn holes in my body.

My spine tingles.

Keeping my chin raised, I just walk right past him.

And he lets me.

