Page 7 of Alpha Wild

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“Get your head outta your ass, Flex!” a new voice responds. “We don’t mess with the merchandise.”

There’s a mutter of dissent and then some grudging agreement. Whoever just spoke must have some sort of clout.

But I’ve heard enough.

There’s nothing I can do here. And listening to another word is going to make me do something stupid.

Turning away, I fight down frustration at not being able to do more. I need to get back to my gear. Get my phone.

Gotta call Jagger.

I move silently away, putting distance between me and the men I’d happily tear to shreds if I could. It’s a while before my skin stops tingling from the adrenaline surge caused by fury. By then, I’m back among the silent pines, the night air doing little to soothe me.

That’s when the hair along my spine stands on end.

The scent of wolf hits me…hard. Warm and wild and utterly captivating.

I whip my head around, locking gazes with a golden beast standing mere feet away.

Blazing amber eyes cut straight through me. Something primal and instinctual flares to life in my gut.

For a suspended heartbeat, the world falls away. There’s only the wolf and me, bound by some indescribable thread. Rational thought slips from me. My mind consumed by just one thing.

It’s you…

* * *


It’s you.

The realization hits me like a cosmic force. This beast standing before me with that familiar, piercing gaze – it’s the stranger from the forest. Only now, he’s no longer a man.

He’s a wolf, just like me.

His mottled gray and silver coat ripples over his muscular frame as he shifts his weight, watching me with those deep, dark eyes that seem to lock into my soul. I can’t tear my gaze away, transfixed by the sight of him in this new form.

A thousand questions race through my mind. How is this possible? What does it mean? But the words won’t come, caught in my throat – it’s been so long since I’ve spoken that I don’t know if I could remember how.

My wolf doesn’t care.

I drink in every detail of the magnificent creature before me; the way the moonlight touches the silver of his pelt makes him glow in the low light. He takes a step forward, and I instinctively tense, my muscles coiling beneath my golden fur. But there’s no threat in his movements, only a strange curiosity that mirrors my own. He tilts his head slightly, studying me with an intensity that makes my skin tingle.


I should run. I know that I should. Every fiber of my being screams at me to turn and flee, to put as much distance between us as possible. But something deeper, something visceral, holds me in place, rooted to the spot by a strange connection that defies all reason.

When he takes another step forward, I hold my ground, standing frozen as the wolf approaches, his powerful frame exuding a presence that feels irresistible. My chest tightens, and my breath catches, my pulse pounding through my veins with each step he takes toward me.

Still, I don’t move, not even when he’s right in front of me.

Don’t hurt me…

He leans in, his warm breath fanning across my face as he takes in my scent. He makes soft huffing sounds as he breathes in deeply, his nose almost brushing my fur. Instinctively, I inhale, too, drinking in the rich, earthy aroma that clings to his pelt. Something stirs within me, ancient and untamed.

Our muzzles brush, the lightest of touches sending a tremor rippling through me. The moment is fleeting, but it feels like forever that we stand silently like that, kindred spirits connected.

A soft whine escapes my throat, a wordless plea for…what? Understanding? Connection? I’m not sure, but the sound breaks the spell, and he steps back, dark eyes never leaving mine.
