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The plug had not budged—even if I bore down to the point my body reacted in a disturbing way.

He said he'd take me out when it was dark. Darkness was soon to arrive.

Despite the disaster of yesterday, I did want to see the hybrid corner of the city, see if any of my older sisters from the academy might be there. Get out of Cyderial’s house and away from his overly attentive gaze.

The rotten bastard used one of his secret techniques, no doubt, to keep my insides saturated. Going so far as to lovingly give my stomach a caress every time he was near enough to touch.

Though the protuberance deflated somewhat over the hours, it was still very much there. Which meant I was stuck inside until it released.

I had no way of knowing what the signs of such a thing might be. Wanting it to happen in privacy, fretting about the impending mess, aware Cyderial knew why I was flustered, I fought for patience.

Which produced nothing.

Nothing but hours in which to consider every last thought that flitted through my head as I tried not to flutter around the plug—the argument over breakfast, my ignorant academy sisters I could advocate for if…

If I sold my soul.

Failing to do what I could to improve their lives would make me the worst sort of traitor. Thinking of Maeve, knowing General Thayer lurked in the shadows to snatch her up.

My friend who risked everything so I could have the fog and so she could have her career….

An overwhelming need to scowl at the man who put me in such a position left my eyes narrowed as I drank him down. Near enough I could touch him if I wished to, he sat in a matching chair, reading another one of those handwritten journals—full of God only knew what kind of hybrid sex secrets—and pretending he didn’t notice my angry regard.

How domestic we had become in so short a time.

Brow smooth, stern mouth relaxed, he lounged and sipped from a large tumbler of some sort of herbal infusion. Considering the amount of fluid he stuffed in my guts, I surmised males must have a need to hydrate constantly.

I did not so much as crave a sip of water. There was enough liquid sloshing in my belly that I might be able to go for days without a drink.


Setting his book to the side, soft smile in place, he gave me his full attention. “Yes, my love?”

Disinterested in wasting my time, concerned what I might say could lead to a preventable argument, I almost shut my mouth and went back to my magazine. Could I trust this male to have a useful conversation with me, one purely for my benefit, where he could leave his agenda aside?


Worrying my lip, my eyes found the rug, and I wondered if I should just abandon an attempt at conversation.

Yet, he gently offered, “You can talk to me, Lorieyn.”

“That’s exactly the thing.” Gaze darting back to his face, I confessed, “I don’t know if I can. If I share with you my private thoughts, chances are you will use them against me to get something you want.”

“I see.” Closing his book, he set it aside and turned to face me fully. “Might it be easier if I am direct and tell you what I want first? That way we can get my agenda out of the way and won’t need to anticipate potential manipulation should my arguments lead toward my goal.”

He was too ridiculous for me to resist a long-suffering sigh. “So instead of manipulation, it will be a straightforward attack.”

Yet, I wasn’t exactly averse to the idea.

Growing grin genuine, he lowered his chin.

Maybe I was a little bit intrigued. “What is it you want now, General Cyderial?”

“I want to show you off.” Pouring himself from his chair in a graceful movement, he fell to his knees at my feet. All arrogance and dark play, stroking hands found my thighs, the man easing ever closer. “I’ve never been humble with my accomplishments. And you, my dear, were an epic undertaking, full of contemptible opponents and a decade of close calls. Considering how popular you have been over the years, there is a very real chance one of my esteemed brothers might have heard your song, had they ever been granted the opportunity to meet you… but I got to you first and kept you close. I got you best. And I got you with all the love in my cold, dead hearts.”

Narrowing my eyes at his petty games and seductive strokes, I pulled a face. “You got the cold, dead hearts part right.”

Hands to my belly, he leaned over the bump between us to whisper, “I know why you’ve been fidgeting. Let me take you out, like this. Full of me and beautiful. Hybrid sectors of the city expect females to be well-tended by their mates.”
