Page 7 of A Forest Witch

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Now this one.

Why not?

Granted, only the first one had been evil and hurt my guys. They always wanted to go for it though and it never ever worked out how they wanted it to.

Ariel was happily married and with one of the strongest covens in the US. Isobel was with Ariel’s dad’s coven and they were producing children and happy little psychos.

Annabell was thankfully dead.

And I was very much done trying. I hoped like hell nobody got attached to this one. She looked maybe rabid and Rain would likely find a better place for her.

I needed to keep the others away from her before they all tried to keep her.

She wasn’t a pet, maybe closer along the lines as a rescued wild animal you cared for and then released back into the wild where she belonged.

And, really, when she woke up where she went next was all her choice and hers alone.

Gunner cut her down and zipped her up in his dark hoodie. It left her legs bare but it was better than nothing.

I scooped her up into my arms and carried her across the creek and through the forest we had walked through to get here.

It took forty minutes of walking through the woods to get to where we’d parked the cars.

I climbed into the backseat of the SUV with Autumn held carefully in my arms. I wasn’t willing to give her up or hand her over to anyone else just yet, she clearly needed me right now.

Nobody questioned that I wasn’t going to drive us out of here when I usually always insisted on driving everywhere.

“Call Rain,” I grunted as we were driving away. “Put him on speaker.”

He answered on the second ring.

I looked down at the tiny little woman in my arms.

“Get here as soon as you can,” I told him without taking my eyes off of her. “You’re not going to believe this shit.”

I hung up before he could respond. He could say nothing I wanted to hear.

I wanted to rest my eyes but I was too afraid to look away from her.


I thought it suited her.

And her tattoos were beautiful. Dangerous but beautiful.

Just like the rest of her.

Female witches always were.



I woke up warm and laying on the most comfortable bed I had slept on in my whole entire life.

I definitely wasn’t tied up to the tree anymore and I certainly wasn’t laying on any of the pallets in the encampment.
