Page 68 of A Forest Witch

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I moaned loudly as I grabbed hold of his hair and held him to me. I would hold him to me forever if I could because this was the best feeling I had ever experienced. It always was every time he touched me.

“Everything,” he chuckled as he pulled my pants down my legs and dropped them down onto the floor. “That’s a tall order, but I think I’m definitely up for the task. At least I know I’m going to have lots of fun trying to give you the whole world that you deserve.”

He buried his face in my crotch and inhaled. “Yes, so much fun trying.”

My laugh was cut off abruptly as he pulled my panties aside and his tongue probed at my entrance.

“I take it she likes it,” I heard Scout murmur and I blinked slowly as I looked up and over.

Scout, Mason, Gunner, and Liam all stood shoulder to shoulder in front of the French doors.

I had to clear my throat before I was able to speak. “Where did you guys come from?”

I hadn’t heard a thing. I had been so absorbed in what I was doing with Raven that the whole world could be burning down around me and I wouldn’t have even noticed.

They all grinned at me.

“Don’t feel bad for not noticing us, babe.” Gunner’s smile got even bigger. “If Raven had his face in between my legs I probably wouldn’t have noticed anything else either.”

“Christ,” Raven mumbled and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Are you happy, Autumn?” Liam asked as he crouched down beside the couch and in front of me. “Do you like it?”

“I love it. It’s perfect for a forest witch like me.”

“You’re perfect,” Scout told me.

“And not just because you’re a forest witch,” Gunner said.

“The last forest witch,” Mason murmured.

“The only female witch for this coven,” Raven grinned up at me from between my legs. He rested his head on my thigh. “You’re ours, baby, and you own us body and soul.”

Body and soul.

I liked that.

I loved them.

But I didn’t think I was the last forest witch out there.

Not by a long shot.

The End.
