Page 57 of A Forest Witch

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Mason walked right over to the bed and picked me up again as if I weighed nothing. I loved having him carry me around. It made me feel weightless and precious. Two things I had never felt before.

“Try not to get your hair wet, okay. Unless you want me to blow-dry it for you because I don’t want you being uncomfortable sleeping with wet hair.”

That was smart and seriously sweet. I wouldn’t have thought about that if I were by myself. I would have just slept with my hair wet and been miserable and uncomfortable the whole night.

He placed me on my feet next to the steaming shower and began digging through the drawers on the counter. He pulled out a hair tie and began playing with my hair. With gentle fingers he pulled my hair back into a low ponytail. My hair was too short for anything else.

When he was done he put his hand on my butt cheek and gently pushed me into the shower.

I stumbled and turned around to face him. His eyes dropped down to my bare breasts and filled with heat.

He wanted me but I had a feeling he was going to be a gentleman and do absolutely nothing about it.

I didn’t like that.

This was my coven now, they were all mine. And I wanted each and every one of them in every single possible way that I could have them.

I could be greedy when it came to my very own coven. Why not?

I needed to be courageous though and make the first move with Mason I was sensing.

I held out my hand to him and was glad to find it steady and not shaking with the nerves I was feeling. “Will you join me? I would like for you to join me. Please.”


I probably shouldn’t have added that please at the end there because it sounded needy and desperate.

Both of which I likely was but did not want him to know about.

“Are you sure you want me to do that?” he asked me in a quiet, serious voice. “You’ve had a long night and I want you to be sure. Once you say yes there’ll be no going backwards.”

I frowned at him, not completely understanding what he was saying. I thought we were already past the point of going back. I didn’t want to take anything back. I had already made my decision and they all knew I wanted this, wanted them. I had made myself very clear in that greenhouse.

“I’m sure, Mason.” That was as much bravery as I had in me.

It was all the answer Mason needed because he began stripping down until he was naked.

I refused to look away from him.

I had seen plenty of naked men before but none of them had interested me in a sexual way. I had been curious, yes, but that had been it for me. Hard to be interested in anything else when everyone hated you and treated you like you were garbage beneath their feet.

Now I was far more than curious and Mason was a very big boy everywhere.

Oh goodness, I had no idea what to do with all of that. But I was sure I would have a good time attempting to figure it out.

“You look nervous. Don’t be. I’m not ever going to do something that’ll hurt you and if you don’t like something just say so and I’ll stop immediately.”

I licked my lips. I wasn’t nervous. I was excited and very curious.

He placed his hand on my lower belly and gently pushed me further into the shower and beneath the spray of hot water. I tilted my head to the side, making sure to keep my hair from getting wet like he’d earlier told me to do.

Mason pressed his front to my back as his hand slid up between my breasts. He grabbed me by the front of my throat and titled my head back. His lips kissed at my throat and he nipped at the underside of my jaw.

I moaned as I pressed my ass back into his groin.

“You’re such a sweet little kitten. So responsive. I fucking love it.”

I didn't have it in me to be embarrassed anymore tonight. He was right anyway, I was indeed very responsive to all of their touches and kisses.
