Page 54 of A Forest Witch

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My wide eyes met his and my lips parted at the heat and mischief I saw dancing in their depths.

I would have to watch out for Liam, that was becoming very clear.

“Drink up, sweetheart.” he grinned devilishly and I thought he might have just given me excellent advice.

The nerves were back now in full force.

But now they’d brought butterflies dancing in my stomach in excitement with them.



We’d all heard Liam’s comment to Autumn and the first chance I got I was going to kick his fucking ass. And I was pretty sure I was not the only one.

Scout looked just as pissed as me because neither of us wanted to put any pressure on her and we wanted to wait until she was comfortable with us before we pursued that kind of relationship with her.

Gunner looked watchful but I thought he’d been on board with going with the flow with however this played out. That surprised me almost as much as Liam so openly going for it with Autumn surprised me.

They were both being wild cards tonight.

It was Raven’s reaction that didn’t surprise me in the slightest. He looked like he was more than ready to devour her whole.

Christ, we were all probably going to scare the shit out of her and hopefully she didn’t change her mind and jump ship come the morning.

“Relax, brother,” Scout muttered to me at one point throughout dinner.

I gave him the dirtiest look I could muster because he was clearly one to talk.

He’d shrugged sheepishly. “It’s not like there’s anything we can do to stop it tonight. And, honestly, I don’t even know why we’d want to. She’s here with us where she belongs and she’s not going anywhere. Just let them relax and enjoy each other. I know you’re worried about there being regrets in the morning but there won’t be. We’re all family now and this is how they get to know each other.”

I completely understood what he was saying and where he was coming from but that didn’t mean I didn’t have my doubts. Not about Autumn but about moving too fast with her and scaring her because she’d never lived in the real world and I felt we needed to have a serious care for her. It was our job to look out for her now and take care of her.

Excuse the fuck out of me for just trying to do that.

She didn’t eat much, drank likely way too much for this being her first time touching the stuff, but she laughed a whole lot with that obsessed fucker Liam while Raven watched her like a crazed stalker with his very favorite obsession locked into his sight.

Jesus fucking Christ on the cross.

I hoped like hell we were doing the right thing here with her or we were all going to end up royally fucked.

Liam was the one who started things off, which was another surprise to me. He lived in his head most of the time and had never fallen for another woman before.

He’d clearly been bewitched by and fallen for our Autumn.

Not that I could blame him.

Autumn moaned loudly as Liam began kissing his way up her throat.

The sound of her sweet moan immediately hit me in the dick, making me rock hard.

There was always this electricity that hit you so fucking hard when dealing with a female witch that never came along with dealing with a normal human. And then there was heat that filled your groin and quickly spread it’s way throughout your limbs.

It was an intensely erotic sensation and the main reason I suspected female witches were held so sacred and coveted amongst our kind. Why would you want a normal human woman when you could experience all that came along with being with a witch?

Liam’s mouth pressed against Autumn’s in a hungry kiss that turned her already pink cheeks a very pretty reddish blush, making her tattoos stand out even starker against her pale skin.

She clung to his shoulders as she kissed him back and it took everything in me not to stand up and push him aside so I could take his place.

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