Page 45 of A Forest Witch

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I also felt a great sense of relief at knowing the one’s who’d been responsible for murdering all of my people were now dead. And the sense of gratitude I felt towards Raven for taking that out of my hands and not making me responsible for it was staggering.

That couldn’t have been easy for him. Taking a life was never an easy thing for a decent person like him to do. And knowing he’d done so for me? Well, it was all kinds of messed up but it made me feel warm all over inside.

“Do you mind if I join you?” Ariel asked. And then, before I had a chance to answer her, she sat down in the chair.

These people really were something else.

She sprawled out in the chair and kicked her feet up onto the table. She wasn’t wearing shoes but instead her feet were encased in a pair of bright yellow fuzzy socks.

“Do you want to talk about what you learned about your mom? My dad told me he told you a little bit about our family. My mom’s dead too and she died when I was pretty young. It was tragic and broke Rain’s heart. I couldn’t believe it when he hooked up with Isobel and the guys. Blew my mind. Isobel’s parents were killed in the raids. Actually, the only people left with parents now are myself and Dash, Romero’s son. He’s my ginger hubby.”

Yes, well, having parents wasn’t exactly normal where I’d come from either. I guess it wasn’t just the forest witches who were messed up but simply witches in general.

I sighed as I sprawled back on the love seat, emotionally exhausted. “No, I don’t really want to talk about it, but thank you for the offer.”

“Totally understandable.”

I half expected her to get up and leave after that. I should have known better. These people never gave up that easily.

“So, what do you know about the Council?”

Now that had me sitting up straight. My mouth was suddenly dry and I had to swallow several times before I was able to answer her. “I know of two sets of elders. We had a group of them amongst the camp. They were older and considered the law amongst my people. I thought most of them were cruel because they hated me and didn’t attempt to hide it.

“The other group of elders that I knew of were all old men who would come to visit with our elders once or twice a year. Sometimes they would pick one or two of the female witches to take with them, but we were never told why or given an explanation. I always avoided them because they gave off bad vibes and I didn’t like the way they watched me. Why, what do you know about them?”

I also had the horrific information that Raven had shared with me about how my mother had been raped by a Council member. One of those creepy men who’d come to visit had likely been my biological father.

That thought did not sit very well with me.

“Well,” Ariel drawled. “All of the original Council members are dead now… except for me.”

My mouth dropped open and I gaped at her. “But, there were never any women amongst them. Ever.”

She grinned at me and it looked almost predatory. “Correct. I was the first one and their biggest mistake. They fucked with the wrong girl and they’re all dead now because of it.”

I was willing to bet there was an interesting story there behind that.

“Anyway, I’ve decided it’s high time I reassembled the Council and I’ve started picking out who I think deserves a seat at the table. And I want you to be a part of it.”

My heart skipped a beat as I carefully touched my hand to the markings on my cheekbone.

“Stop that,” Ariel whispered heatedly. “You’re beautiful. Your tattoos are beautiful. They were a gift from your mother and the only thing she likely thought she had to give you. You should wear them with pride.”

I stared at the scar on her cheek but I didn’t ask about it and I never would. Scars like that didn’t come with pretty stories and I’d had enough of the big and bad for the day. For the rest of my life, really.

“Just think about it, Autumn, please. Promise me you’ll think about it. Not only are you incredibly powerful but you’re the last of your people. You know what it’s like to be abused by the people who were supposed to protect you and take care of you. If ever you wanted to be able to make a difference, a real one, amongst the rest of the witches, this is the way to do it.”

And, with that, she got up and left me alone once again in the greenhouse.

I wad initially wanted to tell her no. I didn’t think I was anything special and, really, I wanted to live out the rest of my life in peace.

But I thought about what had been done to my people and to me. What had become of my mother. The injustices and starvation I had been forced to endure. I thought about all the potential injustices that could be happening to other young witches all around the world.

And, lastly, I thought about what it would mean to be a part of something bigger, something great, and to be able to help others who’d suffered like I had.

There was no way I could turn Ariel down.

But I had to wonder, if I said yes, would I still be able to stay with Raven and the men who were starting to feel like home to me more and more each and every day.
