Page 43 of A Forest Witch

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I slit his throat without making a comment or responding to the bullshit he was spewing about Autumn.

They were all fucking insane if they actually believe she was responsible for the death of the forest witches. I mean, I was actually staring down the people who’d killed them and they were still blaming a sweet and innocent girl whom they’d tortured simply because she was different.

They were beyond mentally unstable and clearly fucked up in the head.

“How did I know it’d be you I found in here,” Rain spoke from behind me.

I sighed as I quickly stepped up to the next one, not wanting him to try and stop me.

“That fucking bitch is the reason—” the sound of gurgling replaced the man’s words as I slit his throat to shut him up.

The last one was shaking uncontrollably and he’d pissed himself.

The whole thing was disgraceful really. Die with some fucking pride and go out a man.

He’d only been found when they’d gone back through the woods for a final look through after getting Liam home and healed.

I looked over my shoulder because Rain was being quiet and it surprised me. He stood with his back to the door and his arms were crossed over his broad chest. He looked entirely relaxed and at ease.

The man was fucking insane, clearly.

“You’re not going to try and stop me?” I asked him curiously.

“Nope. Just here to enjoy the show and see that the job gets done properly.”

I frowned at him. “So, what, was this whole thing some kind of fucked up test or something?”

He grinned at me and I was not amused in the slightest. “Maybe a small test, if I’m being honest. That girl is far too sweet to ever be expected to have to get her hands dirty. I guess I wanted to see if you’d have the balls to step up for her or not. I’m glad to see that I was right about you after all. She’s going to make a great addition to your coven, but I want you to know this… if you mistreat her in any way I’ll be back to deal with you personally. That I promise you.”

I had Rain Kimber’s approval. Not that I needed it, but it certainly felt good to have.

The last man was a sobbing mess at this point and I figured it was well past time to put him out of his misery and be done with it.

“We had to do it,” he cried. “We had to try for the good of our people. They were starving and the blood sacrifice was required. She was literally a curse upon our people. When she was born they found her in the woods with tattoos covering her body. People would joke about how her mother left her there to die but I knew better.

“I heard the Elders talk about her. One of the Council members had raped a girl and she’d ended up pregnant. She’d wandered deep into the woods when she’d gone into labor. She gave birth to her baby all alone in the woods and she’s the one who put those markings on her own daughter to protect her. And then she hung herself from a tree branch. When the baby was found they should have drowned her in the river. Instead they brought her back to camp. And look how well that worked out for everyone.”

I frowned deeply at the man as my heart rate sped up.

His words rang true, my magic did not detect a single lie, and I was horrified by them.

Autumn would need to be told of this and it wasn’t something I was looking forward to having to tell her. But I was determined it would be me who told her.

I felt Rain’s presence as he moved up beside me. “How curious. Or stupid. You had plenty of opportunities to speak to me and you chose not to. Now you want to talk and you’re not even apologetic or sorry for your actions in the slightest. You tortured an innocent girl because she’s different and was born tragic, and then you helped to murder all of your people. Do you even have a soul at all?”

The man looked Rain dead in the eyes and it was clear there was no remorse in his gaze what so ever. Only something that looked a whole lot like madness.

He was so far gone there was no coming back for him ever, there’d be no rehabilitation of the mind for this one either. Not that I had held out any kind of hope for any of them, because I had not.

“They were going to starve to death anyways. We did them a favor really.”

“Christ,” Rain muttered in absolute disgust. “You’re the worst kind of scum of the earth. You murdered little kids. We were going to take them out of there and give them a real shot at life. One they rightfully deserved. And you snuffed that all out.”

“It wouldn’t have mattered. Don’t you understand that? That bitch cursed us. We were doomed from the moment she was brought into our camp. This is all her fault. She should have never been allowed to live.”

I thought there was a good chance I was going to be sick.

Autumn’s mother had been trying to protect her baby but instead she’d put her on the path where she’d been an outcast and been forced to suffer for her mother’s actions.
