Page 40 of A Forest Witch

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Mason stood up and looked at me. “I’m going to go after her and make sure she’s okay. I think I’ve also had enough of this talk for one day. I’m sorry, Raven, but I can’t sit here any longer and listen to this. Who cares about who actually makes the decision. Just execute them and be done with it. We don’t need to be wasting anymore time or energy on them when we should be focused on Autumn and getting her settled in here with us.”

Liam stood up after Mason left the room. “I’m with Mason on this one, brother. You know I don’t give a shit what anyone outside of us has to say or thinks anyways. I’m going back to my research because that’s what’s important to me right now.”

They were both right.

And I was done with this conversation for now as well.

I looked to Rain who looked pissed about my coven members bailing on this. “We’re done here for now. Emotions are running too high. We’ll come back to this tomorrow with clearer minds.”

We wouldn't because I planned on taking the matter into my own hands tonight and being done with it.

Then we could focus on Autumn and convincing her that we were the coven for her.

I had a feeling we had our work cut out for us because I didn’t think that girl would accept love easily.



I laid on the floor in the greenhouse, hiding from everyone.

I was currently a whole mess of conflicting emotions and I had no idea what to do with them.

Liam was okay, thankfully, but he’d been badly hurt. By what was left of my people. Likely the same one’s who’d hurt me.

And I couldn’t help but feel like I was somehow responsible for what had happened to Liam.

If I hadn’t opened my stupid mouth and kept it shut like I had been taught maybe none of that would have happened. Feeling that way did me no damn good. It would change absolutely nothing. And, bottom line, he was okay.

Everyone that mattered was okay.

Now I had another dilemma on my hands to face.

One that went by the name of Rain Kimber.

He thought that I should be the one to decide the fate of the men who’d been removed from the woods. After I’d confirmed they’d been the one’s who’d tied me to the tree and attacked me Rain had gotten them to admit they’d also killed everyone in the entire camp.

He also thought that because they’d been my people I should be the one to decide the fate of the one’s who’d murdered them all.

I didn’t want the burden of that kind of responsibility. And I certainly didn’t want it on my conscience for the rest of my life.

Rain and Ariel were unsurprisingly equally bloodthirsty. Very much was the daughter like the father.

Romero was removed from the whole thing and didn’t seem to care one way or the other. He appeared to only have any kind of emotions when it involved his lovers or his daughter in law.

And they all treated Finn as if he were some kind of fragile flower. I didn’t think it was very fair. If it fell on my shoulders then it should have fallen on his shoulders as well. They’d once been his people too, for fuck’s sake.

And I wasn’t the only one upset about it either. Raven and his entire coven were pissed, to say the least. They knew I wanted no part of it and were very respectful of my wishes and thought that everyone else should be too.

The thing was, Rain actually wasn’t trying to be disrespectful. He was actually attempting to be thoughtful in his own weird way. And I understood him and appreciated him for it.

He was giving me a choice when I had never been given one before in my entire life. He was trying to give me the justice I so rightfully deserved, or he thought I deserved.

I didn’t want justice though. The life I had lived so far had mapped me into the person I was and the longer I was away from the woods the more I actually started to like that person. And I wouldn’t like myself anymore if I played the role of hangman.

I sighed as I dragged myself up off of the flower and sprawled out on the nearest seat, closing my eyes. I was giving myself a headache.

“Hey beautiful,” Mason said as he sat down next to me on the pretty loveseat that had appeared in here with the rest of the fancy furniture the other day. “You really like it in here, don’t you.”
