Page 33 of A Forest Witch

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I allowed him to guide me over to a couch and I sat down heavily beside him. The rest of his coven spread out around us and Raven crouched down at my feet.

Raven took my hand in his as Liam slipped his arm around my waist in between me and the couch. My shoulders were squeezed gently and I glanced behind me to see Mason standing behind me, lending me his support. Gunner and Scout were right there with the rest of their coven, only they weren’t touching me. But I felt their presence almost as if they were.

I didn't understand their motives but they were definitely here for me in a really big way. Maybe they were just good people. I had never met many of those before.

I looked back to Raven expectantly. He was the leader and I knew he’d be upfront and honest with me.

He swallowed thickly and squeezed my hand. “You know we went back to your camp tonight to talk to them. What we found was an absolute bloodbath. Everyone was dead. Their throats had been slit and all of the tents were on fire. We took care of the bodies and put the fires out. But whoever was responsible wasn’t there. They’re out in the wild somewhere and they’re clearly dangerous to anyone they happen to come upon. I hate to ask you, especially after just learning this, but… Autumn you are going to have to talk to me about who hurt you and who you think could have done such a thing. You’re the only one left to do it.”

I closed my eyes and bowed my head.

I didn’t know what to do with this information.

It was absolutely devastating and broke my heart completely.

“All of them?” I whispered as I stared down at our joined hands.

They couldn’t all be dead. There were so many children. So many innocent little children.

“Yes, precious, they’re all dead. I’m so sorry.”

All of them.


I couldn’t sit here anymore because I knew. I damn well knew that whoever did this was thinking about me and likely blamed me for it instead of claiming responsibility themselves.

I was going to be sick.

I stood up and ripped my hand out of Raven’s.

My first instinct was to run outside and hide somewhere out in the woods. I had already done that once today though and I refused to do it again.

Instead, I ran towards the stairs and up them.

I found the bedroom I had been given and locked the door behind me.

I sucked in deep breaths in an attempt to keep the vomit at bay. It worked. Then again, I had plenty of practice.

I crawled into the center of the bed and curled up in a tight ball.

The tears came and my body shook with my sobs.

People kept knocking on the door but I ignored every single one of them.

Eventually I cried myself to sleep.



I didn’t know how long I had been sleeping for but the sun was high up in the sky when I woke up. It had just been rising when I’d fallen asleep, exhausted and drained.

I felt groggy and I was starving. I should have eaten something before going to sleep but, then again, I was used to being hungry. It was my version of normal.

I hadn’t been here for very long and I was already getting used to things, like having access to food whenever I wanted it.

My heart sank just thinking about my life at the camp and all of my people who were now all dead.
