Page 27 of A Forest Witch

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I curled up at the base of a big tree in a pile of leaves.

I fell asleep like that with no hope for my future and scared of what would happen to me when they finally found me.

But I'd get through it. I’d survive.

Just like I had everything else.



There was a horrible sense of dread curled up in the pit of my stomach. The longer the night had worn on the more that dread spread further inside of me.

It was to the point where one wrong move and I was going to end up getting physically sick.

I should never have agreed to any of this. The whole night had fucked my coven all up and the ride home had been full of tense, angry silence.

If I didn’t end up punching Rain in the stupid mouth for this one there was a really good chance that one of my men just might do it themselves and I wasn’t going to be able to hold it against them.

The bodies in the woods had been reduced to nothing but ash and then carried away on the wind.

The fires had been put out.

The area had been secured and contained.

Anyone who’d been left alive had long since vanished and there was no one left to be found.

This did not sit well with me at all.

The people responsible for this massacre did not need to be out free in the world. Not after what they’d already showed they were capable of.

There was no telling what else they’d do to the people they might come in contact with.

And who the hell knew what the hell had happened that had pushed them over the edge and made them snap the way that they had.

They were a danger to everyone and they needed to be caught and detained immediately.

And we had no fucking clue who they even were. The only person who could possibly tell us anything would be Autumn.

Or that damn Finn and not only had he seemed to shut down completely but Rain was coddling him to the point where even Romero had looked annoyed with the man.

Since Finn was clearly out that left Autumn and by no means did I have faith that she would be up to the task.

And I did not like the look in Rain’s eyes one bit. He was going to do what he had to do to get the answers he wanted.

This situation was so completely fucked it wasn’t even funny.

And I was never going to invite any of these fuckers back into my home for anything ever again.

The mood was somber all around when we walked into the house.

We found Ariel and Isobel in the living room watching some vampire show on the big tv. The coffee table was covered in a plethora of snacks and drinks.

I had no idea two tiny women, one even being pregnant, could eat so much.

My girl was nowhere to be seen and my mood, already in the dumps, soured even more.

I hoped like hell she hadn’t stayed holed up in her bedroom the entire time we had been gone. I wanted her to feel comfortable enough to roam freely here. I wanted her to feel at home for however long she decided to stay with us.
