Page 24 of A Forest Witch

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But when we did find out who was behind harming the beautiful girl… I didn’t care about the whys behind it, I was going to destroy them all.

We spread out but still stayed in the line of sight of the person next to us as we combed our way through the forest.

The deeper we got the worse things seemed to get.

There was no noise. No sounds of animals rustling in the leaves. No cool breeze of the wind brushing across our cheeks.

No nothing.

Total silence.

There was a feeling of death that hung in the air. I imagined I could taste the bitterness of decay in the back of my mouth, just teasing my throat and making me want to gag.

And the earth…

The earth was black and charred, looking like hell had tried to rise up and escape.

I had a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Magic had been used here. An awful lot of it. And it had been used for nefarious purposes.

The smell hit me first. Then I saw the flames in the distance and I automatically started to run.

Something was on fire, the flames shooting up towards the night sky and I just knew Autumn’s camp was burning.

Part of me hoped the people who had hurt her were burning right along with it.

They deserved it.

But there might be innocent people here who didn’t. I just wished Autumn had been a bit more forthcoming so we knew what we were dealing with here.

She couldn’t be blamed for this though, she was a victim after all. I didn’t need to know everything she’d gone through to know that.

Everyone dealt with trauma differently.

I came up short and my breath stuttered out of my chest in short, gasping bursts. The horror of the moment almost took me down to my knees.

The tents were on fire but it was the bodies everywhere that turned my stomach. Children and the elderly, all in piles with their throats slit wide open. There had been no discrimination when picking a victim.

We should have checked on them sooner after getting Autumn free from that tree.

Why had we waited so long to come back here?

“I hated it here,” a thin, reedy voice croaked out. “But no one deserved this.”

I looked to my left in time to see Finn drop to his knees and cover his face in his hands.

I ran his words through my head and something clicked into place for me.

Finn had been here before. That’s how Rain had known of it’s existence.

Did he know Autumn?

Rain knew more about these people than he let on. That would make sense as to why he’d been so intense with Autumn.

What the fuck was going on here?

What had he involved my people in?

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