Page 11 of A Forest Witch

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“How is she?” Liam asked as he sat down at the table. He wasn’t usually so serious but something about Rain’s presence really had him on his best behavior.

“Not talking,” Rain told him bluntly.

“She’ll get there,” Liam responded confidently. “Maybe she just needs a better person to talk to.”

Okay, so maybe not on his best behavior after all. Christ, I wanted to smack him upside his stupid fucking head. I just might if Rain didn’t kick his ass first.

Rain cocked an arrogant eyebrow and stared the man down as he sipped his coffee.

He sat his mug down on the table and grimaced. “I thought maybe it was just my daughter’s coven but it seems like all you young fuckers are the same. That poor girl. I’m just going to tell you now, I’m going to offer her a safe place to stay with my coven just in case she wants to get away from you idiots. And who could fucking blame her if she says yes?”

I frowned at him. “What are you talking about?” I knew, of course I knew, but I’d be damned if I was going to say it out loud.

“You know,” he said cryptically. “I’m guessing you all feel the pull. When it’s right it’s right.”

Yeah, we’d thought it was right before and it had almost destroyed all of us.



I tried to fall back asleep after the man Rain had left but my brain refused to let me go back to sleep in such a strange new place.

Besides, if what he said was true I had already been sleeping for over a week now. I guess my body had really needed the time to heal. But I seemed to be over sleep for the time being.

The Elders had an old cottage in the woods that I had been in a few times. Otherwise it had been tents, and those were old and had been stitched and patched up so many times that the majority of them leaked majorly.

I had never once been in a house like this before or even slept in a bed like this. The house appeared to be rather large. At least this room and bed were. I was most curious to view the rest of the house. It would be wrong of me, a complete stranger and yet a guest at the same time, to go exploring a house I hadn’t been invited to explore. I knew that much.

Curiosity was always a problem of mine. I could never leave well enough alone.

No wonder I always found myself in trouble. You’d think I would learn but nope.

As I looked around the room with a burning curiosity I think I understood that this was something I would likely never be able to outgrow or control.

This was most likely the nicest room I could ever dare to dream to be in in my whole life. I already knew it was the most comfortable bed. I’d never laid on something so soft before.

The mattress was like sleeping on a fluffy cloud. The sheets were the softest thing against my skin that I had also ever felt in my whole life. The blanket was so unbelievably warm and soft and comfy as well. And the pillow felt like my head had also been resting on a magical cloud.

The bed itself was like something out of one of the books I’d read or something out of a dream. There were four tall posts, one at each corner, that went up high towards the ceiling. Each beam had vines and flowers carved into it, circling around the whole thing and going all the way up. The beams were a deep, rich brown, but the vines and flowers were painted light, airy colors that stood out beautifully against the dark wood.

There was a white, gauzy curtain strung up on the ceiling that circled the inside of the bed and hung down prettily. Each opening had been pulled up tight to a corner post and tied tightly.

It was incredibly beautiful and looked like something that belonged in a room meant for a princess. And it wasn’t the only piece of beautiful furniture in the room.

The dresser had the same carvings in it as the bed and they were painted to match. A large, oval shaped mirror sat atop the dresser with a ring of vines around the very edge of the frame. In front of it sat a dainty, one seater bench with carvings on the thin legs that matched both the bed and the dresser. I worried about one of those legs snapping if I were to ever sit on the chair.

There was a large window with a bench seat built into the wall right in front of it. The pillows seated on the cushion were all very feminine and looked too pretty for me to ever actually want to touch, like basically everything else in this room.

Far too pretty for someone like me to ever put my grubby hands on.

I bathed in a creek and I had never used real soap before in my entire life.

I only knew what things like soap and shampoo were like because I had read about them in books. Some of the books I had to hide and steal because certain ones were forbidden for me to read.

What kind of place hid information from you about the real world and kept you in the dark about basically everything to do with real life?

I was so tired of all of the lies and deceit and the fucking abuse. I had been forced to suffer at the hands of the same people who I had always considered to be my family. They might not have been my family by blood but they were all I had ever known. They were my people whether I wanted them to be or not. That had to mean something, right?
