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I turned in time to see it was Simon who’d spoken last. That one had no tact.

Trenton sighed as he glared at his brother. “I already told you to keep your mouth shut, but you never listen. It’s not any of our damn business. It’s theirs, and they’ll share with the rest of us when they’re ready to. You can’t force them into doing it earlier just for your entertainment, brother.”

Rain broke our staring contest as his head whipped around to stare them down instead. “What the fuck are you two on about?”

“Ha!” I crowed loudly as I fist pumped the air in victory. “I won. And… I’m pregnant.”

They all stared at me in shock, except for the two brother’s. Simon looked smug while Trenton looked oddly happy for me.

“Does that mean I’m going to be a brother?” Baxter asked in a voice that vibrated with excitement.

I found him standing in the doorway to the back room beside Ariel of all people. He looked a mix of nervous, scared, and excited all at once. My heart broke for my little buddy because he had no reason to be scared of anything ever.

Ariel placed her hand on his shoulder. Her words were for him but her eyes never left my face as she spoke. “You’re already a brother, kid, because you’re my brother. But now we both get to play the big sister and big brother card. I, for one, am absolutely thrilled by this news. Seriously, I’m so freaking happy for all of you. Well, except for maybe you, Finn. I still think you’re a dick.”

That was a relief because I could tell those words came directly from her heart.

Rain scooped me up out of my chair and spun me around in circles. I caught sight of the tears in his eyes before he hid his face in the crook of my neck. “This is the absolute best news anyone could have ever given me. Thank you, baby. You’re my fucking miracle in this life. You and Ariel. And Baxter. And Romero. Even fucking Finn. All of you’ve been through hell and back but you still manage to light up my life with nothing but beauty. And now you’ve given me even more. Thank you.”

He could call me an angel all he wanted but it wouldn’t change the fact that I could be an absolute nightmare of a human being at the best of times. But I was glad he thought that.

“Give her to me and stop being so fucking greedy,” Romero growled gruffly as he ripped me out of Rain’s arms.

Romero clutched me tightly to his chest. He didn't speak but he didn’t have to. I could feel the happiness radiating off of him, but he was scared too. I understood that because I was also fucking terrified myself,

I didn’t know how to raise a baby. But I did have plenty of people in my life who would help me and see to it that my baby would be the most cared for little person in existence. I had nothing to fear and neither did my baby.

Finn pushed the hair back out of my face but he didn’t take me from Romero.

“Happy?” I asked him quietly.

“Never been happier,” he replied back just as quietly.

I believed him. Finn never lied to me.

I looked around the room at the family I never dreamed of having.

Rain had his arm around Baxter’s shoulders and he was speaking to the boy quietly. Ariel stood between Trenton and Simon while watching her father and adopted brother with a happy little smile on her face.

She caught me staring at her and winked. “This calls for a party. We need to celebrate.”

And, while myself and my coven members got our tattoos, our family celebrated our joy all around us.

It was perfect and everything a girl like me could have hoped and dreamed for.

The End.
