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Pucker thrust three fingers at the druid. “The druid slipped the Seed of Heaven into Barbie’s potion. It was not only illegal. It was shockingly criminal!”

The princes snarled. I could feel fear and fury rolling off them, all for me.

“The Seed of Heaven?” Headmistress Ethel sucked in a breath. “You must be mistaken. It can’t be!”

“The Seed was brought from Heaven but grew in Hell,” Pucker explained, his expression grim. “Even a tiny drop from it can paralyze a god. The angelic beings once served drinks with a seed in it to the old gods in a feast to take out the competition.” He swept two fingers at Headmistress Ethel. “Anyone of lesser power, including you, headmistress, would die instantly at a sip of the potion that Barbie was forced to drink.”

Yet I was still here, though crippled. There was no hiding my power anymore.

“Give Barbie the antidote, druid!” Rowan roared, his hands raised, his powerful fae magic at the ready.

“Now!” the other princes demanded, seeing red.

“There’s no antidote to the Seed of Heaven,” the druid sneered. “The evil incarnate is done!”

“Take Barbie to my house and call the healers,” Silas said, never taking his eyes off the druid.

“No one shall take that creature from me!” the druid said. “I’m sick and tired of your meddling, you spoiled brats!” He raised a fist and shouted, “Now!”

A deafening crack boomed across the hall, then glass rained down from the ceiling.

A death squad dropped from the top of the ivory tower, breaking through the skylight.



The death squad, wearing visors and armed to the teeth, besieged Barbie and the princes.

“What is this?” Ethel screamed at the druid.

The squad of mixed species, some with scales and others with horns, was led by two giant angels, or fallen angels. Who could tell? They were mercenaries now.

I wasn’t much as a dead man, but I was determined to defend Barbie from the force that had come to take her with all I had.

“They’re the Legion of the Brotherhood!” the druid pronounced proudly. “This is but a section of the Brotherhood.”

“Angels and demons?” Louis growled, his fangs flashing. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

“So, the myth is true,” Cade mused.

Rowan nodded. “The secret force of the Brotherhood exists.”

Among the princes, Rowan and Cade were pretty much an encyclopedia on all things regarding spells, runes, artifacts, and magic.

“Of course,” said the druid while Ethel’s mouth still hung open as if she couldn’t believe her eyes and ears. “The Brotherhood has existed since before the five kingdoms. Now step away, princes. We’ll take Barbie off your hands. We’re the good guys. We do this to preserve the realm. Stop me, and there’ll be bloodshed!”

Silas and Louis snarled at the same time, baring their fangs. The two princes didn’t care for each other, but they had more in common than they’d admit.

“You’ll not take her, dick!” Silas said murderously.

“Surrender yourself to justice, druid!” Louis called.

The druid laughed coldly. “Take the girl!”

Louis zoomed toward the druid, his claws out and fangs showing, no mercy in his eyes. His killing strike, however, didn’t land on the druid, as our foe turned to smoke and vanished from where he had been. A second later, the druid appeared behind the vampire prince.

“Watch out!” Cade shouted, flicking his wand. A shield materialized behind the vampire prince just as the druid tossed a potion at Louis. The potion ate a hole in the mage’s shield, but it bought time for Louis to dash out of range.

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