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Killian growled possessively. “That’s enough!”

I hissed in objection, and through the vampire’s eyes, I could see my own features shift a little, veins turning visible in the hollows under my bright, two-toned eyes. Louis gazed at me, mesmerized. He was a top predator, and it must be a new experience for someone else to feed upon him.

I could get used to this type of feeding.

“I don’t mind.” Louis smirked. “I once took blood from Barbie. It’s only fair that I return the favor.”

I nodded my agreement as I kept drinking greedily.

“I don’t want her to become a vampire or addicted to you!” Killian snapped. “She’s a member of the House of Chao. And who knows what kind of side effects your blood will cause? I’ll let Barbie drink from me.”

“But no woman can touch you without being severely burned,” Silas said smugly and viciously.

Killian opened his mouth, then shut it, a raging storm in his eyes. He couldn’t reveal to them that he could go skin-to-skin with me just fine. More than fine. Yet their quarrel didn’t concern me while I eagerly drank from Louis’s wrist.

Sy wanted to eat the vampire prince. His power can sustain us for at least five years if we consume him.

Louis hissed in pleasure, utterly ignorant that he’d painted a target on his own back by offering me blood. “I should’ve known it, Barbie. If I had known it while you were in my house, things would’ve worked out very differently.”

Killian charged him, dragging him away from me.

“What the fuck, Killian?” Louis yelled, fighting the chaos prince. He’d been high from my feeding. “Are you a barbarian now, asshole?”

“I’m still hungry!” I yipped, unhappy to be deprived of my food.

“You shall not turn Barbie into a vampire!” Silas barked at Louis. “She’s a shifter, a late bloomer. She shall return to my house, so she’ll be better protected.”

Cade slammed the heel of his palm to his forehead. “Not this shit again. Let’s get out of here before everyone gets even crazier. Do you guys really want to stay in this smelly dungeon and argue endlessly?”

“One more sip from Sir Louis?” I asked Killian hopefully, and Louis was about to fight past Killian to reach me and offer me more of his blood.

Now I thought of it, I shouldn’t have been too hard on the vampire prince when he was addicted to my blood. But then, another thought shot through me. Maybe this was all Sy’s doing, since she fed indiscriminately.

Sy rolled her eyes, gluing her longing gaze to Rowan. As if summoned by her, the fae prince trained his intense silver gaze on me and sniffed, his eyes brightening, as if he had almost sussed it out. Then he shook his head and dismissed the impossible thought. It was too far-fetched for anyone to link Sy and me. No other beings could shift the way we did.

“No more sips from Louis! He’s a bad influence,” Killian said firmly, and Cade had to pull Louis back from lunging at Killian. The chaos prince glanced at the other princes. “Let’s go! We need to get Barbie to the healers in my house.”

“Uh, Sir Killian,” I said as all the princes rallied around with Cami and Rock, who carried me, in the center. Cami had collected the iron mask and the torque into her satchel. “Bring me to Underhill. I regenerate faster there.” I hadn’t wanted to reveal too much of the relationship between Underhill and me, but three princes out of five already knew that I could ease in and out of the forbidden forest. “And no healers in any house can help me anyway.”

Killian frowned at me. “Michonne, our top med-witch, healed you last time.”

“Uh, I pretended that it worked while I regenerated all by myself,” I said.

“Barbie is a lady of multiple layers,” Cade chimed in. “If she says Underhill, we take her there.”

“But Underhill has to accept her first,” Silas said. “It hasn’t let anyone in for centuries. You all sure we want to risk its wrath?”

Louis shrugged, then kept quiet as he regarded me.

The princes held hands, their merged power forming a twister full of light with us in the center.

“Underhill!” Killian said.

And the swirling light beamed us up.


