Page 23 of Dixie's Dilemma

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“Who’s the client?” I ask.

“You know I won’t share that information,” he rebukes me.

“I don’t need his name, but do you know his affiliation? Is he here in the states or across the pond?”

“He’s with the Bratva, but that’s all I can tell you.”

“One more question. Has the client requested other hits? I’m asking because my President’s woman is Cleo Golubrev. She took over her father’s business and has dealings with Maxim and Vladimir.”

“I’ll check into it.”

When he ends the call, I sit back and study Hex. “What do you think?”

“I think we should call Vladimir and have him get back here so we can discuss this. He might know what’s going on in the world of the Bratva to explain why someone would want him dead. Uncertain about the coincidence that the person who ordered the hit wants it done in the same time frame Maxim gave us.”

Hex pulls out his phone and contacts Vladimir. He tells his twin to get over to the clubhouse as soon as possible, but doesn’t give him the details over the phone. Not that I expected him to. As he ends the call, his phone rings. He answers and listens for several minutes. “Is she okay? Are you heading back here? Are you certain she’s okay? Yeah, I heard what you said. Tell her you passed along her request, but remind her that this is a club matter.”

Hex ends the call and looks at me. “Delphine had a panic attack.”

“What?” I jump up, ready to go to her, but Hex stops me with a hand to chest.

“She’s okay. They’re going ahead with their spa appointments. However, Delphine wanted to make sure I didn’t kill you. I think that’s why she panicked. She feared for your life.”

I can’t hide the grin that forms, knowing that Delphine still cares enough about me to beg for my life.

“Doesn’t mean I’ll listen to her,” Hex says, dampening my happiness. “I’m calling Church. Be prepared to sell your case.”


I wake to see a sea of faces surrounding me. “What happened?” I ask Cleo, but it’s Olivia who responds.

“You had a panic attack.”

That’s when I remember Dixie. I was so angry with him, but now that some of that anger has burned off, I’m terrified for him. Grasping Cleo’s hand, I beg her to call Hex. “Tell him to not kill Dixie. Please.”

Cleo doesn’t hesitate, but pulls out her phone and makes the call. I only relax when she passes along my message. Hearing her telling him about my panic attack pisses me off, but then I realize knowing the extent of my distress might help keep Hex from hurting Dixie.

Hex may be the President of the club, but he won’t do anything to hurt me. Knowing I don’t want Dixie dead and that I’m overwrought with emotion should be enough to keep Dixie breathing.

Knowing I’ve done what I could is enough to clear the last vestiges of my terror. I take several calming breaths before sitting up.

“We should go back to the clubhouse,” Sasha says, grasping my hand.

“No, I’m okay now. I don’t want to interfere with today’s plans.”

Olivia takes my vitals before nodding. “Your heart rate is back to normal, but I think you need some sugar in your system.” She looks at Jack, who is still behind the wheel. “Can you go through a drive through and get her some sweet tea?”

With the to go cup in my hand, I take a few fortifying sips and appreciate the caffeine and sugar rush. Closing my eyes, I allow myself to look into the future. I see Dixie and Vladimir clearly. Their futures are brighter, but the dark edges remain. The lives they lead aren’t conducive to a smooth future, but I still plan on talking to Hex and Vladimir about how to protect all the men in my life that I care about. That includes Dixie.

While I really want to head back to the clubhouse, I know the other women were looking forward to a day of pampering. After repeated assurances I’m no longer in danger of another panic attack, Jack drives us to the spa. When we arrive, Cleo asks the receptionist if her friend Skylar has arrived yet. When she gets a negative answer, she frowns and checks her phone.

“Skylar was supposed to meet us here. I figured she’d beat us, but I guess she got hung up.”

“Was she working?” I ask her.

“She was with Zip at the club’s tattoo parlor. She’s doing a series on women staying safe while partaking of services.”

“Text Zip and see if she’s still there,” I suggest.
