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My lip quirks. “Are you always like this when someone insists on caring for you?”

“Yes,” Landon blurts from behind me, and Skylar bites her lip and sighs, deflated.

“Okay, but when you come in here like that, intense as hell, it’s unsettling,” she says softly. “And it makes me uncomfortable.”

My half smile immediately fades.

I am intense, and I do make people uncomfortable.

I haven’t had a normal conversation with anyone in years.

If she can stand River but thinks I’m too much, then maybe I need to get my shit together.

Especially if I want her to reciprocate any of the feelings I have for her.

So, I nod, and take a half a step back from her. “My apologies,” I grumble.

I hear Landon make a choking sound.

I’m forever grateful that River’s not here to hear me apologize.

But Skylar simply nods and quirks her lip. “I have a feeling you don’t do that a lot,” she counters, amused.

I huff out a laugh while Landon snickers. I run a hand through my hair, fighting every urge to pull her into my arms.

I want to wrap her in her nesting blankets and keep her in the nest we built for her.

I don’t want her to lift a finger, and I want to throw Landon into the wall for even letting her out of bed.

Maybe I have some control issues, too.

But something clicked inside me this past month. She’s the only thing on my mind when it used to be just work.

Even these cases are second to Skylar.

To Omega.

This must be how Landon and River felt.

I realize I’m staring at her, and she cocks her head. “Hey, are you okay?” she asks me softly, concern flashing in her eyes.

I scoff and shove my hands in my pockets. The last person she needs to worry about is me.

This selfless, ridiculous girl.

I ignore her question entirely. “Have they talked to you about your statement?” I ask, already dreading the answer.

She bites her full lip, heaves a sigh, and heads to the couch, sitting on the opposite side of Landon. I stand there awkwardly, not sure if I should join her. “Yeah,” she grumbles, and a whiff of her sadness fills the air. “I’m not…I’m not sure I’m ready.”

Landon shoots me a sympathetic look.

So once again, I’m going to be the bad guy.

Her statement is essential to helping find other Omegas, especially her best friend. In a perfect world, she wouldn’t do this. I wouldn’t insist that she share her trauma with anyone.

“May I sit?” I gesture to the armchair to the left of her couch.

She nods, her eyes wide. “Of course,” she says, wringing her hands.
