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“Yes, baby. And they’re more than prepared.”

I groan in pain, and he squeezes my hand.

“Try to sleep, Skylar. Your body and mind have been through hell. You deserve some peace.”

All of us do, I think.

I wake to the sound of a fan whirring.

I’m soaked in sweat, but the chills have stopped.

My fever has broken, and the cramps have been replaced by the steady fluttering of my cunt.

Pain has turned to arousal.

Kicking off the blankets, the cool air from the fan hits my naked body, sending a delicious chill through me.

My heartbeat is elevated, as if I’ve just had two cups of coffee.

I’m full of manic energy.

I find a pair of lavender sweatpants and a white flowy top folded at the edge of the bed and I quickly dress, the soft material scraping against my nipples.

“Oh,” I gasp.

Every inch of my body is sensitive, from my toes all the way up to my face.

My Heats have never been like this.

Even the breeze from the fan is almost too intense.

Unable to stay in my room any longer, I head down the hall, following the familiar, delectable scents of the men that mean the most to me.

When I turn the corner and enter the front of the house, a sense of euphoria washes over me.

They’re all here, and they’re working together.

River and Vincent are in the kitchen, River at a cutting board while Vincent stirs something delicious smelling at the stove.

Landon is in the front room on the couch, folding a pile of blankets I’ve never seen before, but I recognize the thick fabric immediately.

Nesting blankets.

It’s all strangely domestic, as if I have three house husbands, taking care of everything for me.

Their scents mix in perfect harmony, and a sense of completion washes over me.

This is how it’s supposed to be.

Landon is the first one to notice me.

“Hi, sweetheart,” he says with a knowing smile, showing off his dimples.

River and Vincent both stop what they’re doing to look at me, the only sound in the room the sizzling of food on the stove.

The air is thick with tension, and I realize they’re all waiting on me.

Whatever happens next is on my terms.
