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There’s an intensity in his eyes. It’s just him and me; there’s no Landon, Ben, or Devyn to protect me from all that is River.

River and his expressive, tired eyes.

“When’s the last time you slept?” I ask him, already knowing the answer.

He tilts his head and raises an eyebrow, but doesn’t respond.

“Don’t tell me it was here,” I say. “That was days ago.”

He crosses his arms across his chest, and I watch as the jacket strains across his muscles. My stomach flutters in anticipation, and my nipples pebble against my tank top.

Throwing that sweater on at the last minute was a great idea.

“When’s the last time you slept?” he counters. “You should be sleeping by now. I almost didn’t drive by, but I had a feeling you were probably once again ignoring doctors’ advice.”

I feel myself blush, and he smirks.

“Just like I thought,” he confirms. “You’re incredibly easy to read, you know.”

I scoff. “That’s your job, isn’t it? Reading people around you?”

He considers his answer. “Yes,” he admits. “I couldn’t figure you out the other day, though, when you showed up with those cookies. It takes a lot to catch me off guard.”

“And now?” I ask, dreading the answer. “Am I as boring and predictable as you thought?”

Insecurities flood to the surface, and my ex’s old insults play in my mind.

Predictable. Spoiled. Needy. Boring.

But River simply chuckles and gives me a ghost of a smile. “No. You’re the exact opposite. The more I find out about you, the less I want to stay away.”

It’s not a compliment, though. He says it cryptically.

“Don’t sound too happy about it,” I say sarcastically, stepping closer to him.

How could I not close the distance between us? My inner Omega wants nothing more than to be near him, regardless of how unhinged he is.

I’m inches from him when he takes in a shuddering breath. “I swear I came to help you tonight,” he whispers, his voice pained. “I promised myself I wouldn’t do anything else.”

My inner Omega does a backflip and lets out a yowl of need.

“Anything else?” I ask softly. “Like what?”

His hands are clenched into fists at his sides, and he grits his teeth. “Fuck, Skylar, listen to me. I’m damaged goods. I’m…fuck,” he hisses. “You don’t want any part of me. I promise you.”

My head swims.

He wants this, like I do.

The air is thick, charged with electricity, and my cunt throbs.

“But you want me,” I say.

He groans and closes his eyes. “Of course I do,” he mutters, taking in another shuddering breath. “You have no idea what you’ve started. But this won’t end well.”

My body aches. I need this. If he doesn’t touch me, I’ll combust.

“You promise?” I ask shakily.
