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My face flames.

She’s right.

I trip on a rock, but thankfully catch myself in time, only adding to my embarrassment.

I’ve never felt more useless as a friend or an Omega in my life.

I’m feeling sorry for myself, when all my attention should be focused on April instead.

Ben clicks on his flashlight as we head deeper into the trees, and I swallow the lump in my throat.

Please don’t be here, April. Please.

“I don’t think I asked you this, Skylar,” Ben says as I trail behind him and Devyn. “When was April’s last relationship?”

“Uh, nothing serious. It was about two years ago. She never had a pack.”

“Were they on good terms?”

I rack my brain, trying to remember the last time April even mentioned Will or Darien.

“I think so,” I say slowly.

Will and Darien both wanted to take things further with April, but she took a step back. Despite being an Omega, she’s always been fiercely independent, and she wasn’t ready or willing to be mated just yet.

“It might not be a bad idea to reach out to them, if you haven’t already,” Ben says. “Just to see if they’ve heard anything.”

I nod, making a mental note.

By the time it’s dark, we’ve covered the entirety of Isle Park with nothing to show for our efforts. Everyone else meets back at the café with the same results.

No sign of April.

It keeps the flicker of hope alive in me.

That is, until someone casually mentions the possibility of finding her.

“It’s been a week, so it’s most likely a case of bringing the body back for closure.”

I don’t know who says it, but it’s enough to knock the wind out of me and cause me to lean against the wall of the café. I don’t see Tammy anywhere near me; I’m hoping she didn’t hear it.

But Ben hears it as well, and he gives me a sorrowful look as he notices my reaction. “There are still a lot of possibilities,” he says quietly. “And you’re doing everything you can.”

“There’s got to be more we can do,” I breathe. “She needs national news coverage. Every single person in the country should be looking for her!”

Everyone falls silent as I raise my voice in frustration. “It’s ridiculous!” I exclaim. “If only she were famous, or in politics, then maybe something would happen, right?”

“Skylar.” Tammy’s soft voice snaps me out of my stupor, and I meet her weary expression guiltily. “Please,” she says gently.

People have gathered around us, most of them glancing my way sympathetically. I was louder than I intended to be, and tears of embarrassment prick at my eyes.

But it doesn’t make what I said to Ben any less true. There must be more I can do. If national news stations don’t want to pick it up, maybe I could—

“Detectives,” I say, staring at Ben with wide eyes. “You have detectives on your force, right?”

“We have one detective and he’s tied up in other cases,” Ben replies, frowning. “Which is why I came out here.”

I sigh, defeated. “So…how do I get a detective to help me? I can hire one, right?”
