Page 81 of Rogue's Cross

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“How did you fi?—”

The butt of my gun connects with Waylon’s skull, and he falls to the floor, unconscious. I assess the situation and find that Waylon’s accomplice is bleeding from a wound on his leg, and pride wells in my chest. No doubt Skye did that.

That’s my girl.

“I’m very glad to see you,” Skye says, pulling my attention from the damage she caused. “But can you please cut me loose? My knife is over there,” she says, nodding toward where it sits on a table.

“Are you okay?” I ask as I grab the weapon and slice through the zip ties.

She rubs her wrists when she’s free and smiles, although her smile is a bit lopsided because of all the swelling.

“What? Don’t I look okay?” she asks, her tone teasing.

I press a kiss to the tip of her nose. “You look beautiful as always.”

Standing, I pull her to her feet and guide her to the trailer’s small couch, but she digs in her heels.

“No way in hell am I sitting when we still have to deal with them,” she says, her shoulders square.

“Skye, I can han?—”

“You’re not taking this away from me, Rogue,” she snaps.

I stare at her for a long moment before nodding. “Okay.”

“Waylon, wake the fuck up,” his friend demands. “I think they’re gonna kill us. Wake up, asshole.”

Waylon groans from the floor as he comes to. Ignoring him, I stride toward his friend.

“What’s your name?” I demand.

His eyes widen but before he can respond, Skye speaks from behind me.

“That’s Jared. Or at least, that’s what he’s calling himself. He’s Waylon’s douchebag friend.”

Without looking away from the man, I narrow my eyes. “What’s your real name?”

“Don’t tell him,” Waylon says, and I glance over my shoulder to see him trying to stand.

“Tie him up,” I instruct Skye, who digs through a bag sitting on the table.

When she pulls out a length of rope, I can’t help but picture what these assholes had planned for my woman. If Jez and Fort hadn’t worked their magic, who knows where she would’ve ended up.

If the money is not received, I will be murdered, and my body will be dismembered and scattered across the country. You will never find me.

Chills dance along my spine, but I ignore them. I’m here, and Skye’s safe. The shoulda, coulda, wouldas don’t matter now.

As soon as Waylon is secure, Skye moves to stand next to me. “Now what?”

My mouth tilts into a grin. “Now, we purge.”

Skye’s eyes light up. She doesn’t know any of the specifics of what the club does, but despite what she thinks, she’s not a stupid woman. She can put two and two together no matter how much numbers trip her up.
