Page 52 of Rogue's Cross

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She reaches for the hem of my shirt and pulls the fabric up so she can flatten her hands on my chest. I moan into her mouth and hold her tight. The kiss is deep and full of the kind of need that could drive a man to kill.

Stop… this isn’t what you came here for.

I gently extricate myself and lift her onto the table. Skye pushes her bottom lip out in a pout, and I have to shove my hands in my pockets to keep from climbing on top of her and taking everything I want.

“Is everything okay?” she asks quietly.

“No,” I blurt, but I shake my head. “I mean yes.”

She chuckles nervously. “Well, which is it?”

“Everything is fine,” I assure her. “But I want more from you than a quick fuck, and you deserve more from me than to treat you like that’s all I want.”


My nerves suddenly kick into overdrive. I’ve had plenty of women in my life. Hell, I’m not a monk. But Skye is the first one to worm her way past my dick and into my heart. I like her, probably more than I should.

“So, uh…” I pause and hop onto the table to sit next to her. “How was your shift?”

Skye averts her eyes and stares at the wall. “It was fine.”

“I might not be the smartest man on the planet, Skye, but even I can spot a lie.”

She huffs out a breath and faces me. “It was weird. I mean, as far as customers go, it was business as usual.”

“Then what was weird?” When she simply shrugs, I narrow my eyes. “If something happened, you need to tell me.”

Skye hops to her feet and begins to pace. I watch her warily, silently begging her to talk to me. And when she doesn’t, I stand and step in front of her.

“C’mon,” I demand, grabbing her hand.

I practically drag her through the bar and into the office. After kicking the door shut behind us, I urge her to sit on the couch. As soon as she’s settled, I sit behind her and scoot her back between my legs.

“Now, talk to me.”

Skye chuckles. “Seriously? You think moving to a different room is going to make me wanna spill my guts?”

“No. But I think being your boyfriend instead of your boss will.”

She twists her head to look at me over her shoulder. “Boyfriend?”

“Yep. That okay with you?”

Returning her attention forward, she nods. “Perfectly okay.”

“Good. Now, what was weird about tonight?”

She heaves a sigh. “Waylon.”

“What about him?”

“He just… I don’t know. From the moment I walked through the door for my shift, he was confrontational.” Immediately, I tense, and she must sense it because she rests a hand on my thigh and squeezes. “Not physically,” she assures me. “He really didn’t seem to like the fact that I still have a job. And he hovered all night.”

“Were there any unruly customers?”

Skye shakes her head. “No. He hovered specifically to watch me. And he was shitty toward me in front of customers.”

“How so?”
