Page 16 of Rogue's Cross

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Jared reels back as if I slapped him in the face. “What the fuck?”

“Why don’t you go and help wipe down the tables?” Waylon suggests. “I’ll take over here. I’m sure your drawer is going to be a huge mess. Based on what I’ve seen here in the last hour, I’m gonna be here all night balancing it out.”

I want to argue, but instead, I lift the bar flap and head out to the floor. I keep to myself the rest of the night and avoid talking to anyone. Cece and Mel call out to me as they leave the bar with Soul and Abyss, but I only wave in acknowledgment.

After the last customer leaves, I help Lana put the chairs on the table tops and mop up the spilled beer and food around the bar floor.

“Skye, get over here,” Waylon bellows.

I rush toward him. “Yeah?”

“You’re short seventy-three dollars.”

I gasp. “Seventy-three dollars?”

“I didn’t stutter.” He glares at me. “You got any tips?”

“About two hundred.”

I know I should have more than that, but I slipped in portions of my tips on each order to make sure that my drawer wouldn’t be short. Truth be told, I was hoping that my drawer would have too much money, but no such luck.

“I’m gonna need that money until the computers come back up and I can verify every transaction that was made tonight. You understand, right?” he asks condescendingly. I blink back the tears threatening to fall and pull my shoulders back. I dig into my pocket, pull out all my tips, and hand them to him. “As long as no more is missing, you’ll get back what you’re owed. If there is more missing, I’ll have to take it out of your tips and dock your paycheck to cover the amount.”

“How lo?—”

Waylon holds up his hand. “I suggest you get out of here and let me figure out what the hell you did.”

“Sorry,” I apologize. “I should’ve dou?—”

“Yeah, yeah.” He waves me off. “Go home. Looks like I’m gonna be here for a while.”

Fifteen minutes later, I enter my apartment with no idea how I got here. I was so upset from the events of the evening that I allowed myself to be distracted while I drove home.

Dropping down onto the sofa, I let my tears finally fall. I promised myself after Clint’s death I would always be aware of my surroundings when driving my car.

Let’s just add that to my list of sins for the night.



“We’ve got a problem.”

I roll away from Glitter, the newest club bunny, and balance my cell between my ear and shoulder as I climb out of bed. When I glance at the clock and see it’s almost ten in the morning, I groan.

“Well, it’s too early for the bar to be open so unless the damn building is on fire, I’m hanging up.”


His shout stops me from disconnecting the call. “What?”

“The till was short last night.”

My body stiffens, and I reach out to shake Glitter. “Get up and get out,” I order as she slowly stirs to life.

“Uh, boss, I’m no?—”

“Not talking to you,” I snap.
