Page 96 of Lord of Retribution

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That I intended on providing.

While there were no lingering signs of the tragedy, the bodies already being processed for the various funerals to be held, the surviving house staff remained nervous. There was little comfort I could offer them. At least they’d provided a welcome, even if most were still in shock.

I’d been more than impressed with Margot’s acting abilities. Whether or not the mole had exposed the situation had yet to be determined, but she’d been accepted with ease by the house staff, several of the woman fawning over her with condolences. My lovely bride had even managed to shed a couple of tears.

However, I didn’t plan on keeping the charade going for long.

The game was ongoing, our arrival marked with an entirely different kind of threat. The perpetrator was now threatening to bring to light the true identity of the woman I’d married in a horrific exposé. That alone could bring down the rest of the Rossi Empire. I tossed the note that had arrived, although with a few additional photographs of the real Maria with Margot onto the desk. The shit was getting out of hand. And it was sounding more like the backhanded way the Death Squad did business. What I didn’t want to have happen was for the Sicilian Cosa Nostra to be taken over by another Italian syndicate.

As Brock walked in, I could tell he wasn’t thrilled with having the Italians trailing after him, following his every move. They also weren’t thrilled with my arrival, but they would adjust, or their employment would be terminated.

“How’s the arm?” He’d refused to wear a sling since the accident.

“You know me, boss. Nothing can keep a good Marine down. The exterior is all secure. You have full operation of the cameras from the system over there.” He headed toward it, his fingers flying across the keyboard of the accompanying computer.

“Good.” I turned around to face him, noticing Leonardo had walked in almost immediately behind the man.

“The mole?” I asked the Italian.

“Not yet but there’s a lead.”

“Whatever happens, Leonardo, the man stays alive. He’s our best hope of determining who’s behind the attacks.”


“I hope you do because I meant what I said earlier today. You won’t like me if I’m crossed.”

“I have no intention of it.”

We studied each other for a few seconds before my attention was drawn by Margot walking into the room, Zorro trailing behind her.

“Am I interrupting?” she asked.

“Not at this point. Come here.” As I beckoned her closer, both Brock and Leonardo watched us, Brock grinning at what he was seeing.

Margot crowded my space, peering up at me with tired and anxious eyes. She placed her hand on my heart, and it pained me how much I cared about her, especially when bringing her with me was placing her life directly on the line. She didn’t deserve it. She’d told me everything, how she’d been approached, the money offered followed by the threats when she knew she couldn’t go through with it. By all rights, I should erase the real Maria from this earth.

Only I couldn’t do that. She was a woman and very ill. We all had our crosses to bear.

“What now? What are we going to do? This isn’t my home. I feel so out of place.” She tensed even more, her eyes darting back and forth.

“There’s nothing we can do at this point but continue gathering information. The funeral is tomorrow. It will be our first public showing. A huge crowd is expected.” Sadly, it was the perfect opportunity for the person responsible to make good on his threat.


Grabbing my iPad, I flipped to the internet, finding the huge story I’d found in one of the local Palermo internet rag newspapers. The photographs were reprehensible, including one showing the dead bodies littering the front entrance to the palatial estate.

“Oh, my God. That’s horrible.”

“It is a usual occurrence. It happens whenever a member of the Cosa Nostra falls.” Leonardo had allowed me insight into the syndicates within Italy. There were five main families, all with a lockdown on the same territories they’d had for generations.

I’d directed Leonardo to be my emissary, making contact with each one of the Dons. I’d also warned him of the possibility we’d be exposed. It was a dangerous game to play but one that had to continue for now.

Very little had changed over the decades, new family members taking over. The fact the Rossi family had no further descendants, Giovanni’s two brothers killed prior to either one having children had placed a significant burden on the entire regime.

If Leonardo was correct, the other four families would be none too happy an American family had been selected, although my father’s background with Giovanni from years before had likely been the reason the Italian had believed trusting the Thorn family was his only option.

“What about the other families in Italy? How did they take the news?” I asked more out of curiosity than anything.
