Page 34 of Lord of Retribution

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Only then did the realization of what had just occurred finally take its toll and I slowly fell to my knees, surrendering to the agony.

Not without making a promise to track, hunt, torture, and kill until blood covered every inch of my body.



Permission to go outside.

Those were the last words that my new husband had offered me before leaving for his meeting. I felt like a bad little girl who’d only recently earned several of her privileges back. That annoyed the hell out of me, another reminder that I was in a completely different world than that of normal women in typical relationships.

I couldn’t believe the ancient tradition of arranged marriages existed, let alone the controlling temperament indulged in by men. I wasn’t certain I could fake it even for a year. The chemistry I shared with Daniel had been unexpected but at no time had Maria told me that I’d be nothing but a useful doormat, treated not like a princess to be pampered but an object owned.

Maybe that was why wild horses couldn’t have kept me from sliding into a pair of jeans, a shirt of my own, and my old tennis shoes, which I’d snuck into my suitcase, and walking the grounds.

Sure, I knew I was being followed by goon number one, the same soldier who’d witnessed my irritated response to Daniel’s first round of dominance weeks before. I had a feeling tossing wine in his face might become my disobedience of choice.

It had been hours since my keeper had left to go to some unknown mystery. I’d waited inside after taking a long, hot shower in my crazy attempt to remove his sweat and scent from my skin.

Even using the scrubby brush like a Brillo pad until my body was sore hadn’t worked. I could still gather the fragrance of his very masculine cologne. Woodsy. Spicy. Arrogant. If there was such a thing.

Daniel had even seemed excited about the honeymoon he was determined to take me on. When asked where we were going, he’d insisted our destination was a surprise, a secluded location where we could get to know each other.

I wasn’t certain that was a good idea, although maybe being around him after that point would become easier. The older woman I’d seen floating around the house cleaning had knocked on the bedroom door not long after my shower, telling me that the suitcases had already been packed and that I wouldn’t need to do a thing. She’d seemed excited for the two of us. I’d almost tried to bribe her to go in my stead.

Oh, what in the hell was I thinking? Crazy thoughts.

For all the posturing I’d done, all the hatred I’d felt, I’d certainly not been very strong in pushing him aside that morning. After jogging off the porch, I took a deep whiff of the slightly humid air, enjoying the tingling sensations from the light breeze. I shielded my eyes from the late afternoon sun streaming perfectly in my line of vision, surprised at how massive everything seemed. There were at least four buildings, a long, split rail fence on one side of a very long gravel driveway. The land went on for as far as I could see. I’d learned very little about Daniel’s ranch other than it was several acres in size.

What little Maria knew about the man and his business as well as his personal life she’d passed on. The rest I’d had to research on the internet and even then, the information on the man’s personal life was slim to nil. I could tell he was a private person. Then of course, he wouldn’t announce where he lived for fear of being bombed or worse, given all of the enemies I’d heard he and his family had.

A slight snort erupted from my mouth followed by a laugh as I headed down the driveway for a short distance, noticing a path off to the right.

And I heard footsteps behind me, which caused me to pick up my pace. A truck rolled by without paying any attention to me, two men inside. I didn’t flinch since I knew my other keeper was stuck to me like glue, maybe even with his weapon out, waiting to eliminate the intruders’ lives without blinking.

I kept going, heading between two fences toward one of the buildings. My mind remained in a fog, going over details of my life. His life. Our life. Especially the craziness of it all.

Every other second, I came back to the same ugly thought.

I was flipping out of my mind on more than one level.

Exhaling the angst and concern, I took long strides in some crazy attempt to get away from Kane, rounding a corner and glancing over my shoulder. He was simply taking long strides leisurely toward me, his ever-watchful eyes paying attention to where I was going. I had a feeling with a single text or phone call, he could easily call in the cavalry to come to his assistance in hogtying me like some wayward creature.

When I turned my head, remaining irritated, the breath was suddenly caught in my throat. Horses. Given our midnight arrival the night before, I hadn’t realized the ranch held horses. I stopped short, laughing at the sight of so many incredible animals as they moved freely in the corral. How long had it been since I’d ridden one of the majestic beasts? Too long.

Before my world had been sequestered around my sick mother, I’d had a friend who’d allowed me to ride, her wealthy father keeping several thoroughbreds. I hadn’t seen Becca or the animals in years.

I trotted toward the fence, more excited than I should be. Maybe, just maybe there were some redeeming qualities with Daniel after all.

Even if he was a killer under his genuine smile and sinfully gorgeous eyes. I climbed on the first wooden rung, leaning over and waiting to see if any of the horses would respond. There had to be at least twelve of them, all in various colors but every one of them absolutely beautiful.

“Hi, guys. How are you? You’re all amazing.” At least this was a little sense of freedom, a moment where I could almost be myself.

They all looked at me strangely at first, several of them whinnying. But one of them was obviously the alpha of the pack, eyeing me suspiciously before finally deciding he would come investigate the new person.

His gait was slow as he approached but when he was within a couple of feet, I held out my hand. Seconds later, he took the final steps toward me, nuzzling against my hand.

“That’s a good boy,” I said as I rubbed his nose, adoring the way his long ebony tail flicked back and forth. He wasn’t scared of me. “Did I pass a test? Huh? Maybe later I can bring you a carrot or an apple. There has to be some food in the house,” I said out loud.

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