Page 81 of Dark Wings

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If his demons took care of the guards, we might have a chance of leaving this place alive.

As we ran toward the stairs, I remembered. “If you have traitors, your father might know they are coming in.”

“I know, but it’s all we have.” He paused at the edge of the stairs. “Ariella, I?—”

I shook my head. “Don’t say anything. Let’s get out of here.”

His eyes stayed on mine briefly, then he nodded. We ran down the stairs, slowing at the landing when we saw Molraz in the middle of the foyer, on the way toward the front doors.

“Leaving already?” Molraz asked. “But the party just started.”

Levi positioned himself in front of me as we climbed down the rest of the stairs. “Get out of the way.”

“Or what?” His father chuckled. “Do you think you can hurt me, son? Kill me? I’m much stronger than you are.”

Levi nodded. “That’s what I wanted you to believe.”

Molraz’s smile faltered. “What are you talking about?”

“I hid the extent of my magic from you all of my life,” he said. Molraz frowned. “I didn’t want you getting any ideas of me joining you, becoming one of your lackeys, or worse, your associate. I didn’t want anything to do with you then, and I don’t want anything to do with you now.”

“I’m impressed,” Molraz said, sounding genuine. “A master’s trick. I see the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

“Unfortunately, it doesn’t.” Shadows covered Levi’s arms. “Now let us go before I kill you.”

Molraz tsked. “See, despite your pretty speech, I still think you’re lying. And there’s only way to know the truth.”

Shadows surged up from the ground and flew at Levi like angry bees.

Levi grabbed my hand, jumping out of the way and taking me with him. We stumbled on the last step, and I let go of his hand, landing on my knees on the right side of the stairs, while Levi was five feet to the left.

Molraz didn’t waste time. He created a shadow wall between us and wrapped a shadow snake around my arms and feet, picking me up from the floor and floating me toward him.

I struggled against his magic but couldn’t move.

“Such a beautiful angel.” I floated to his side and he reached up, twirled a finger around a lock of my hair. “It’s a shame to kill you.”

“Go back to hell,” I said with a bark.

“And feisty. Darling, I like it.” It sickened me how much Levi was like him. He grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled it back. “I promise, I’ll make this painless.”

“Let her go!” A roar shook the windows and the chandelier. Levi, in his full demon form, broke through the shadow wall and growled at his father. “Hurt her and I’ll make you wish you were dead.”

Molraz twisted me around, pressing my back to his chest and put a transformed claw around my throat and the other on my stomach. “Like this.” He pressed his claws against my skin, and I swallowed a scream as his nails broke the skin.

A jet of darkfire bolts flew toward our feet, exploding into smoke upon contact, and making Molraz step back. In doing so, he loosened his grip on me.

I elbowed him hard in the stomach and then his chin. Groaning in surprise, he let me go and I fell hard on my hands and knees.

With a roar, Molraz cast a bolt of darkfire and pulled his arm back, ready to throw it at me.

I stilled, knowing this was it, and faced him. I wouldn’t cower from death.

Levi rammed into his father, pushed him against the wall, and plunged his claws into his father’s chest. “Good riddance,” he said with his demon voice.

Then he pulled his father’s heart out.

