Page 71 of Dark Wings

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I could help him. Hm, maybe I had an idea. I crunched the white bag and the empty coffee cup and pushed them to the side. “Lacey, could you break the circle?”

She stared at me with huge eyes. “I …” Her jaw opened and closed several times.

“That tells me you can. So, hear me out. I think I can help him. He doesn’t need to go in for a fight, but I need to get out of here to make that happen.”

“I can’t … he told me not to. He threatened me.”

“Has he threatened you before?” I asked. She nodded. “Has he followed through with his threats?” She shook her head. “Then I don’t think he’ll do anything to you. You’re his little sister. He’ll never hurt you.”

“But what about you?”

I wasn’t so sure about me. “Who’s more important to you? Your brother or me?”

“Well …”

I offered her a small smile. “Your brother, I know, and I wouldn’t expect anything else. So, help me so I can help him. Please.”

“I don’t know …”

I leaned back against the bed. “It’s okay. I’m just offering. We don’t need to do anything.”

Lacey glanced at the door, as if looking after her brother. This was probably killing her and I felt bad for her, but only a little. I had no time for sympathy right now.

“If I break you out, how are you going to help him?” she asked, her unsure eyes back on me.

I had to fight a smile. I was going to win this one. “Do you have a phone?”


Things were going better than I anticipated.

After my call, Lacey was about to break the circle, but before she could, Levi came back.

Levi fished regular metal handcuffs from his pockets and advanced on me.

“What’s that for?” I asked, retreating.

“We’re going to San Francisco.”

I glanced at Lacey, surprised. Then it hit me. “Because of the bond.”

He nodded. “Unfortunately, I can’t go and leave you behind,” he had said. If he drove up there and I stayed back, he would hurt.


He put the cuffs around my wrists, asked Lacey to break the circle, which she did, and lastly, he grabbed my upper arm and dragged me to the car like a criminal.

We rode mostly in silence, and I tried my best to keep my feelings neutral, my heartbeat slow, lest Levi realized what we were planning.

In two hours, we arrived at a townhouse in a residential area in San Francisco. A demon opened the door for us, clearly one of Levi’s goons.

“How is it going, Burgin?” Levi asked.

“Everything is ready, sir,” Burgin said.

We entered the mostly empty house, and Levi asked Lacey to draw a witch’s circle in the middle of the living room for me. Thankfully, while she drew it, he let me use the restroom, and then handed me water and an apple.

“Thank you,” I said, disdain dripping from my words and expression.
