Page 49 of Dark Wings

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I took the place in, unimpressed. It was a long, rectangular room, with a sunken level in the middle, where the dance floor was. Red, green, blue, and pink lights coming from the tall ceiling swirled around the dancers. Tables and booths surrounded the dance floor, all of them taken, and on the back was a long bar, also full of customers. The place wasn’t packed, but it was full enough.

I leaned closer to Levi and almost yelled, “This is it?”

“This is the first room, sweetheart,” he said. “It’s the tame one.”

I frowned. “You have been here before.”

He dipped his chin. “Once, and it wasn’t by choice.” He slipped my hand from the crook of his elbow to his hand and entwined his fingers with mine. “Ready?”

No, I wasn’t. But did I have any choice?

I nodded.

We weaved through the crowd. I couldn’t help glance at them as we went. I could tell right away what some of them were. The vampires had their fangs out, the fae didn’t hide their ears, some witches carried wands or potions, and I even saw a wolf shifter with his ears and claws shifted.

Some of them glanced our way, and like Levi had said, most did a double take and stared at me, disdain clear on their faces.

Yup, they didn’t like angels.

And it upset me that they could sense that, even though I didn’t have my wings or my magic.

When a shifter, I couldn’t tell which kind, snarled at us, Levi pulled me to him. “Stay close, sweetheart,” he said in my ear.

Then, when I thought he was taking me to a dark corner, we turned to the left beside the bar and entered another small room, like the lobby—dark lights, two supernaturals and double doors.

Levi flashed the invitation again and the bouncers opened the doors. These led to wide, black-carpeted stairs. Once more, the doors were closed once we walked through them, but this time, it felt different.

The music here was calmer, lower, and the walls didn’t shake. The stairs curved down for what felt like two stories, until they opened into a landing.

Levi paused there, close to the silver railing. “And here it is.”

Still holding his hand, I stood with him and glanced down. With the dark lights and the few colored spotlights, it was hard to note every detail, but even then, I could see the place was at least three times the size of upstairs, at least four times as tall, and divided into several sections. The dance floor was once again right in the middle and this time, the supernaturals danced to pop music as if they were having sex right there. The bar was right beside the dance floor and cut from one end of the room to the other, through the different zones. Servers carried glasses filled with neon drinks up and down, and I even saw?—

“Is that blood?” I did my best not to point.

“Oh, it is.” Levi gestured to another zone, where low couches and booths created a maze.

I saw a couple seated in a corner of the booth leaning into each other, lying down on the black leather. Then the male reached up and closed a black curtain around them. That was when I noticed the black portions I had assumed were walls were actually curtains.

“You can close yourself off,” I muttered. “And …?”

Levi showed me that grin of his. “Do whatever you want, sweetheart. Have sex, do drugs … And vampires go there to drink blood directly from the source. At least, the ones who don’t want others to see.”

A little disturbed, I glanced to another section: a place with lots of tables and armchairs, and several podiums among them—with almost naked dancers. Some podiums had only one dancer, but two of them had two dancers, and the largest one had three. They moved sensually, touching each other, licking, rubbing their pelvis, making faces that should be reserved for bed.

It was almost vulgar and I should be appalled. I was, a little, but still, I couldn’t help but feel a little turned on by the sight.

Levi cleared his throat. His hand squeezed mine. “Let’s go.”

We descended the rest of the stairs and found ourselves in an open area under the ledge. From there, we could choose which direction to go, which zone to explore.

Without wasting time, Levi veered us to the table zone. As soon as we started walking through the tables, supernaturals started looking at us—at me. Levi let go of my hand, but put his entire arm behind me, his hand splayed on the small of my back, his fingertips over the curve of my ass. I wanted to elbow him and tell him to go to hell, but I knew I had to stay in character.

One shifter snarled at me, and Levi’s fingertips dug into my skin, but he pretended to not see it. Two vampires rose from their seats and sniffed the air.

“Her blood smells sweet,” one said.

“Pure,” said the other.
