Page 11 of Dark Wings

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“I want my wings and my magic back,” I said. Of course, I also wanted my sword back, but I had seen Molraz destroy it. I always thought I couldn’t get that one back until Leviathan mentioned it. “Bonus points if you can find the higher demon who took my wings and give me a new Celestial Sword.”

Slowly, the demon walked around me and I felt like a dead piece of meat at the butcher.

“What’s the name of the demon?”

“Molraz.” It could have been me, but I felt as if the demon had faltered when rounding my back. “Do you know him?”

“I know of him, yes,” he said, his words clipped. “I can find the wings and the demon, but I can’t restore your magic and I can’t give you your sword back.”

My brows slammed down. To fight against the angels, to find out what mess I had been unwillingly thrown into, I would need my magic back. As for my sword, it was a shame, but maybe when I returned, when I straightened everything out, I could get one back.

My wings and the higher demon were a good start.

“And the price?”

He stopped in front of me, closer this time, and the corner of his lips tugged up. “You have two options, sweetheart.”

By the light, this sweetheart thing was getting on my nerves.

“And they are?”

“One, you work for me for ten years.”

“So I’m practically yours?”

His blue eyes became even brighter. “Exactly. After that, you’re free to do whatever you want.”

Belonging to a demon for that long? Yeah, right. Pass. “And option number two?”

“You can do whatever you want for ten years, I don’t care, but after those ten years, your soul is mine.”

“My soul? You mean, my soul when I’m dead?”

He nodded.

All right, so, I either belonged to him for ten years, or I would be dead in ten years.

None of these were good options. “And a third option?”

“No third option, sweetheart. You’re already getting one too many.”

“Yeah, that won’t work for me.” I turned my back to him and marched away.

When I glanced over my shoulder, I saw him entering into his car—a sleek black Porsche.

I shouldn’t have hoped this would work. Dealing with demons was always a bad idea, why did I think this time would be any different? I wasn’t this naive.

I would have to fight, get the money I needed, and find a second supplier or witch to make my potions. After that, I didn’t know. I still didn’t like the idea of hiding my entire life, but I couldn’t perform miracles on my own.

Especially not without my magic and my wings.

As I approached my car in the garage, I called Mr. Green. He was probably still inside the club.

He picked up on the second ring. “Arwen, what is it?” he yelled over the loud music in the background.

“Call your club. I’m on my way there for a fight.”

