Page 8 of The Night Rising

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Thea shook her head. “We’ll start tomorrow morning, after your first dose of the day starts fading.”

“For now, stay here, have a good night’s rest.” Almae squeezed my arm gently. “You need it.”

Thea and Almae promised to come check on me later, before they retreated for the night, but they told me that if I needed them, I could call on them at any time, even in the middle of the night. They left, but Lavinia stayed.

She pulled a chair closer to my bed. “How are you?”

“Bored. Tired of resting,” I confessed. I knew this was important, though. Everything that was happening was new; no one had any experience with it. We couldn’t make any mistakes or others could get hurt. “But I understand.”

“I can get you some books from the library. Tell me which ones. And I can also order something special for dinner. Tell me what you want.”

I smiled at her, happy she was my friend. I asked for a book about dragons. Now that I had all this power inside me, I wanted to understand it. As for dinner, I asked for pepperoni pizza. Plain and simple.

Lavinia laughed. “Of course. I might bring it over and stay for dinner too.”

I shrugged. “I don’t mind. Invite Killian too. The more, the merrier.”

She frowned. “Speaking of that, where’s Shane?”

I clicked my tongue. “We had a small argument and he stomped away from here.”

Her eyes bugged. “That’s unlike him.”

“I know, and that makes me more upset.” I smoothed the blanket over my legs. “Actually, I’m more upset that I couldn't go after him.” It had been a couple of hours since he left. I had hoped he would have calmed down and be back by now.

“Do you want me to find him?”

“No, it’s okay. He’ll come when he’s ready to talk.”

Lavinia stayed with me for a few more minutes, then she went to find me some books and order my pizza.

I lay back on the pillows, again bored and alone.

But it wasn’t for long.

I felt the tug in my heart and heard his footsteps before he opened the infirmary’s door and walked in.

“Shane,” I whispered.



As soon as I ran from that infirmary, I let my wolf out. My clothes ripped apart and fell on the castle’s pristine floors. I dashed past vampires and witches, and they all stepped out of my way before I ran over them. Right now, my anger burned like the sun and I needed to snuff it out.

Outside, I crossed the back garden and entered the forest.

I aimlessly ran for over an hour. Then I chased a squirrel and a deer. Killian appeared at some point and finished off the deer I had been chasing. He ran with me a little.

When we finally stopped, he asked, “Do you want to talk?”

I shook my head. “Do you want to be alone?”

I nodded.

“All right. Then I’ll go back to the castle. You know where to find me.”

He zipped away with his super speed, and I was alone again. I ran another hour before the anger and anxiety fizzled out.
