Page 79 of The Night Rising

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I had to buy us some time.

“Let them go,” I repeated. “Then you can have me.”

Minsi cried and Tyren’s eyes widened. He jerked and tried coming up, but Paimon easily pushed him down and kept him down, probably with magic.

Rage like I never knew before filled my veins. This man, my terrible father, was hurting my family. I would make sure he regretted it.

“If I let them go, who says you won’t change your mind?” Paimon asked. “There’s no fun in that. Speaking of fun, should we dial it up?” He grabbed something from his pocket—the key.

A green portal opened several feet behind him and demons spilled out. Dozens of them. I gawked as the demons spread out around us, forming a wide circle.

A circle.

I frowned, remembering Thea and Almae had drawn a witch’s circle to contain my power in case I lost it. Could it be used to hurt someone inside? I filed that idea aside for when backup arrived.

“You.” Paimon gestured to a group of demons to his right. “Go to the main road. Stop anyone who gets close.” The demons nodded, grunted, and marched away.

My heart tugged. There were pack members in their houses, most of them getting ready for bed, clueless of what was happening. If they saw something odd, they might come out, and the demons would attack them.

I gritted my teeth. This was going too far. “Paimon, stop this,” I said.

He tilted his head. “What happened to father?”

“You might be my biological father, but you don’t deserve being called one,” I spat.

He pressed a hand to his chest, pretending to be hurt. The prick. He loved theatrics. “You wound me, my daughter.”

I rolled my eyes. “Cut the crap, Paimon. Let them go. Then you can have me.”

“Don’t you get it?” He waved his hand and a snake of dragon magic floated toward me. “I can have you right now with or without them.” The snake wrapped around me. “I was already stronger than you before, and I’m still stronger than you are now. Whatever plan you’re coming up with in your mind, don’t bother. You can’t win.”

But I could stall until the others arrived. At least the portal had closed and no more demons came through.

I put a hand on my waist. “What is the dragon magic doing for you?”

That got his attention. His brows dipped slightly. “What do you mean?”

“The dragon magic is killing me. Isn’t it affecting you?”

His brows curled some more. “You’re dying?”

I nodded. “But what do you care. Once you take the dragon’s magic from me, you’ll kill me anyway, won’t you?”

His eyes darkened.

Screams came from the street. Grunts and howls sounded next. Shit, the pack members. “Stop it!” I called out to Paimon. “Tell them to stop hurting my pack. Here.” I took two steps closer to him and offered him my hands. “Take me, just … don’t hurt anyone.”

He stared at me for a moment. “This is war. A lot of people will get hurt.”

A growl came from my throat and I called my magic—the dragon magic was mostly numb, but I had awoken it before and I would do it again.

In the span of two seconds, I threw darkfire at Minsi, Tyren, and Rue, an exact hit to break the holds of Paimon’s darkfire on them. Then I threw an onslaught of dragon magic’s bolts at Paimon, mostly to distract him while Rue grabbed Minsi and they ran for the house, and Tyren jumped up and stood beside me.

Demons blocked Rue and Minsi’s path, and they ended up right behind Tyren and me.

I threw bolts at Paimon and Tyren shifted, ripping through his clothes. Behind us, Rue shifted too and Minsi crouched down, her hands over her ears and her eyes closed tight.

Paimon laughed as he swept his hand in the air and deflected my bolts. “This is pathetic, Raika. I thought you could do better.”
