Page 71 of The Night Rising

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“I hope that was good,” I teased. I was damn glad I hadn’t exploded or hurt him.

He pulled back, staring at my eyes as if I was crazy. “It was fantastic, and you know it.”

I chuckled. “Then hurry up and recover,” I half-joked. We had to take advantage of the control I still had. “I want round two.”

He pulled back, eyes narrowed. “Are you sure about that?” The same question from before.

“I think so … if you hurry.”

Groaning, Shane buried his face on my neck. “Five minutes, then your wish is my desire.”



I felt guilty for not telling Shane about the plan yesterday, but if I had, we wouldn’t have had such a great night. He would have freaked out, we would have argued, I would have slept in the castle by myself, and only today would he come groveling and say he was sorry. It was his nature as an alpha wolf—to get angry first, then to think through it all.

I rolled over in bed and looked at him.

“Good morning,” he mumbled, his eyes still closed. He wound his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

My body molded against his and I placed a kiss on his chin. “Morning.”

“Isn’t it too early? Let’s go back to sleeping.”

I chuckled. “It’s almost eight in the morning.” And I still needed to have breakfast, visit Ivy, and then go practice with Kaz. Our session last afternoon was cut short since I went to talk to Drake and the others.

Kaz wasn’t a good teacher—he didn’t speak a lot and seemed to be mad all the time—but he had shown me some cool tricks: how to mix both magics to enhance the dragon’s magic powers and make more powerful strikes.

The first time I sent a bolt to a magical practice dummy, I jumped back, shocked with the explosion and how fast it disintegrated. The other time … it had been fun.

I wondered what he would teach me today.

A phone vibrated. I reached for mine, Shane reached for his … and both of us had the same text from Drake.

Meeting in thirty minutes.

Shane grunted. “They must have a plan.”

“Yup.” I rolled out of bed, feeling guilty. I cleaned up, brushed my teeth, dressed in black shorts and a top, and then faced Shane while he put on his pants and shirt.

He tilted his head. “Everything okay?”

I bit my lower lip. It would be best if he heard it from me, right? If Drake told us all during the meeting in a few minutes, he would be pissed.

“Shane, I know what the plan is,” I blurted.

He zipped up his pants, stopped, frowned. “How?”

“It was my idea.”

“What do you mean?”

“Tomorrow, I’ll be Paimon’s bait.”

Shane’s frown deepened, his jaw popped, the muscles on his arms tensed.

“Paimon wants my magic; he’s obsessed with it. If we dangle me at the end of a stick, he won’t resist it. He’ll come. And then we attack and I kill him.”
