Page 28 of Master Botosoni

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“Trust me to make you mine, truly mine, in every way?” I ask. She pants through her response.

“Yes, so ready, Botosoni.” I need no other consent, sinking my fangs deep into the flesh of her neck at the same time I thrust deep inside of her.

Catina screams my name, squirming on the end of my dick as I thrust and thrust, sending us into a spiral of orgasms that I do not let end until we are both completely spent and powerless to go another round.

I untie her hands and carry her to my bed, rubbing the area that was constrained until the marks from the cuffs go away. “You’ll need blood, Catina. Clara sent me a message and told me that she gave you blood, but going forward, you’ll take your nourishment from me.”

Her eyes are still hazy but have turned tired, and her heartbeat has slowed. I reach over to the nightstand to retrieve the small pocketknife I keep in its drawer, slitting a two inch line over the vein in my wrist that will provide the life sustenance that she needs. “Drink, love.”

Catina tilts her head, inhaling the deep, pungent scent of the blood as she drinks and accepts my offering of life. “I will teach you what it means to belong to me in every sense of the word, as my eternal mate, if that is what you want.”

She opens her eyes. “With all of my heart. You are mine too,” she says, smiling. And she’s not wrong because my heart could not belong to another. I close the lids of her eyes as she finishes her nourishment and then wrap my wrist. “Sleep, love. We have to get ready for the auction when we wake, and there is still much to do before the visitors arrive.”

“I didn’t think we would have to go through with holding the auction now.”

I wish that were true, but we need to be certain we’ve gotten them all. “Now, sleep, and be ready to dazzle everyone with how beautiful you are when you wake.” I tell her, but she’s already fallen fast asleep, leaving me to prepare for the auction with the others right down to the finest detail.

Chapter 23


I spin in front of the walled mirror of the playroom, still unable to believe the image that stares back at me. I adjust the straps on the full-length lacy red gown, smoothing a hand over the satiny belt of the cinched-in waist before it falls in a long, sleek skirt with only the slit up the thigh, strappy high heeled sandals, and freshly polished red toenails to draw any attention away from its design.

Master Botosoni walks into the playroom, and his eyes light with desire, taking me in from head to toe. He growls a deep, sexy growl that ignites my center and clenches with feminine desire. “You are absolutely stunning.”

My face flushes with the compliment. “Thank you. I’ve never worn something so glamorous in all of my life. The dress is so beautiful; thank you for having Clara get this for me. It fits perfectly.”

He smirks. “Clara did not pick this out. I hand selected it for you and the dainties beneath it.”

The butterflies dance in my belly, knowing that he took the time with everything going on to select the dress especially for me. “Thank you. They were beyond beautiful.” I feel my cheeks heat midsentence. “You look amazing in your tux too,” I tell him, taking in the dark black suit with tails and the crisp red shirt beneath it that makes him look like the dark master that he is.

He strokes a finger over my heated cheeks. “Turn around, love. You’re missing one thing.”

I spin on a fancy heel and face the mirror as he lifts my hair from behind, placing a silver chain woven with small clusters of diamonds every few inches, holding a bat shaped pendant of rubies. I gasp at the extravagant piece of jewelry. I stroke the chain and the rubies.”

“Now it’s official, love, you are mine. You now wear the symbol of the Botosoni region, and everyone will know that you belong to me.”

“I absolutely love it, and you,” I say, spinning around as he lifts me in the air and kisses me long and hard. “Fix your lipstick,” he says. “We have a date at the auction where I intend to bid on my very lovely and sexy little mate.”

My eyes crinkle with concern. “You really still think having the auction will draw any other rogues still out there in?”

“We do. If they are alive, they will come. They’ve been after the three stones all this time, and this is the only chance they will have to take them all at once.”

The thought of any rogue still being alive sends a shiver down my spine, but I understand him and the other master’s need to be sure. “Let’s hope they’re all gone. I can’t imagine what Raven, Willow, and Madria are going through, knowing that the rogues want the stones from around their very necks.”

He takes my hand as I grab the little hand purse that came in the package with the dress. “Come, love. It will be over soon, and then we can be done with them once and for all.” When we reach the main floor of the club, I gasp, taking in the transition of the club. “It’s breathtaking.”

Botosoni leans down and whispers in my ear. “You’re breathtaking. I can’t wait to unwrap your hair from the layers you have it on top of your head and let it fall down the length of your naked back.”

I suck in a breath, still unable to fully believe that this is now my life, with a man who thinks I’m far too young for him, instead of an old maid, but treasures me just the same. And away from the parents who haven’t even bothered to find out if I’m alive or dead. Good riddance because my heart has been hurt by them for the very last time.

Tonight, we will make sure the rogues are no longer alive, and then we will have the rest of eternity to spend loving each other and our lives. Botosoni lets go of my hand. “I need to go and talk with the masters. The ladies are standing by the stage. Why don’t you visit with them, and I’ll be back to get you in just a short while.”

I look up at him, his eyes as bright red as the color of his shirt. A kind and protective mate who would do anything for me, and I know it. “I love you,” I whisper.

He growls under his breath, low enough so that no one else can hear. “I love you too.”

I walk toward Lucianna and the crowd of ladies standing around her. She welcomes me as soon as she sees me. “Catina, that dress looks absolutely gorgeous on you.” She turns to the other ladies. “I can’t remember who’s been formally introduced or not. Embry, Delilah, Angel, Raven, Alyssa, Tansia, Willow and Madria, this is Catina, Master Botosoni’s mate, and these are the other Master’s mates.

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