Page 85 of Redeem Me

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“This is Natasha,” announces my Natasha. “We refer to her as Nat to keep things simpler. To pay off her family’s debt to my family, she’s agreed to work for us for five years. She has been the night nanny since Petra moved back home. Now, she’ll be moving with me and the kids to your lovely house.”

“No,” I grumble, and Hector shakes his head at his mom.

Ignoring my pissed tone, Natasha keeps her smile. “There’s a bedroom near the back of the house, away from the others. It’s near the kitchen and has its own bathroom. I think it’ll be perfect for our live-in nanny,” she explains and gestures toward the woman.

The kids look at me and smile. I want so badly to lose my shit, but I also really want these kids to like me in the way Sync’s girls like him and Pork Chop’s boys like him. That’s the kind of father I’m looking to be, so I swallow my irritation and hold my tongue.

Carrying Hector, I follow Natasha and Jacinda who show Nat to the unfurnished room near the pool area. I think it was supposed to be a spot to stick guests or a mother-in-law. Whatever its purpose, Natasha seems set on moving a stranger into the room.

As they speak in Czech, the woman nods at everything Natasha asks. She’s very submissive, keeping her gaze down, seeming afraid. I guess that makes sense. Owing the Kovak family can’t be a good thing.

“Can I speak with you for a moment?” I ask, trying to sound reasonable.

I must fail because Hector pats my face. “Don’t cry. I will protect you.”

Instantly worried about me, Jacinda takes my hand and squeezes.

Meanwhile, Natasha smiles at their reactions and gives them a bullshit reason for my bad mood. “Bear missed us.”

“I miss Bear,” Jacinda says before ditching my hand and walking away. “Kitty, kitty, kitty.”

Hector suddenly remembers the cats exist and wants down. Natasha glances at Nat who seems uncertain on what to do. After speaking to her in Czech, the woman follows the kids.

“Does she speak English?” I ask, sounding as annoyed as I feel.

“Um, define what you mean by ‘speak,’” Natasha says and tugs me out of the spare room.

We cross through the kitchen and past the family room where the kids look under couches for the cats. Once we end up in my bedroom, Natasha shuts the door and smiles at me.

“This is what my family wants.”

“Well, whoop-dee-fucking-do, Natasha, because I’m saying no.”

Despite smirking, she pretends to be upset. “How can you be so cruel?”

“Your family will survive.”

“I mean to Nat. She needs to serve my family for five years. Being a nanny is a cushy job, especially since I’m a hands-on mother and, you know, not a psycho. Plus, you have professional cleaners for the house, so she’ll barely need to tidy up. It’s a great job for her. At the end of the five years, Nat gets to stay in the country under the umbrella of the Kovak Syndicate. It’s a lovely opportunity.”

“Yeah, great, but I’m still not letting a stranger live in my house.”

“What about me?” Natasha demands, still pretending to be offended, even as her eyes glow with affection. “We barely know each other.”

“I’ve seen you naked and begging for more,” I reply and smirk at the memory of what we did not so long ago in this very room. “We know each other plenty.”

“And that right there is another reason you’re selfish,” Natasha says and jumps on my bed. “You’ll be my husband soon. What if I need to be sexually ravished by your fine body, but the kids are still up? Am I supposed to go handle that myself in the bathroom? Unacceptable,” she says, laughing at her bullshit. “I won’t waste my orgasms on my hand when I have you around. No, we need a nanny to allow us to sneak off and have lots of sex.”

As if her words didn’t hold enough sway, Natasha sweetens the deal by tugging up her shirt and flashing her tits hidden by a thin, white bra.

“With Nat here, we could theoretically fuck right now.”

“Define what you mean by the word ‘theoretically,’” I insist as I erase the space from the closed door to her on my bed. “Are you saying I get a taste or I get to come?”

“If you submit like a trained circus bear, I will allow you to come in one of two approved holes. I’m saving the third spot for our first anniversary.”

I chuckle at how she bounces on her knees. She’s so damn excited today. I mean her goofy behavior makes sense. That was me earlier today. I was just riding around town, smiling like a fool.

Natasha stops bouncing and tugs her phone out of her purse. She texts for a really long time before moving her bag and phone to the side table. Her shoes drop to the floor as she wiggles out of her jeans.
