Page 54 of Redeem Me

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“Will you wear a tux to the wedding?”


“Will you wear shoes?” Natasha asks, staring into my eyes.

“Why wouldn’t I?”

“I sense a hippie vibe about you, Bear O’Malley. Have I read that wrong?”

My scowl goes sideways when I realize she’s fucking with me. I’m about to smile when her lips are on mine. Her blonde hair has never felt softer. I wrap my arms around Natasha, trapping her body against mine. Sighing, I realize her tongue tastes like pineapple just like the first night we kissed.

The band blows through several cover songs while I keep Natasha on my lap. I can only see her. She’s all I feel. No one else exists in this place.

When a moron decides to start a fight in a club filled with bikers and armed security, the crashing bodies nearby can’t drag my focus from Natasha.

My lips leisurely entangle with hers. Only when my hand slides up the back of her shirt does Siobhan interfere by slapping my arm.

“No under-the-clothes action,” Siobhan insists and wraps her arms around Natasha to tug her away.

“Mine,” I growl at my sister.

Unleashing her most intimidating look, Siobhan hisses, “I had her first, spud.”

Natasha glances back at her friend and then studies me. “How about we compromise by leaving me on Bear’s lap for a bit longer but keep his hands out of my clothes?”

“No deal,” Siobhan replies. “Compromise is for greasy French fries. I’m crispy rather than limp. That means I win.”

Natasha looks at Siobhan, unsure how to argue with such logic. I help her out by telling my sister.

“There are other men in this bar. Go throw yourself at one. It’ll keep Indigo and Golden’s blocking skills sharp.”

Siobhan looks like I’ve stabbed her in the heart. She falls back in her chair and rests against Tack who is watching the band.

“My heart hurts. I’ve only shown love toward my brothers, yet they’re causing my romantic death through a million cuts.”

Natasha vacates my lap and hugs her friend. At first, I worry this chaperoned date will turn into a therapy session. Then, I catch Natasha and Siobhan whispering and giggling to each other. The two women look at me in unison and smile.

“You’re going to marry my brother,” Siobhan says and tugs Natasha closer.

As the women share a chair and Hunter’s band finishes their first set, I try to visualize myself in a month. The wedding will be over. That event is what I’m most leery about since I don’t want to dress up or feel on display.

It’d be different if I could have a fun wedding like when Pork Chop and Carys tied the knot. She wore his club vest, T-shirt, and shorts. He went shirtless. It was a hot day. We ate sticky BBQ ribs and grilled corn on the cob. The Hills Chapter was there, wrestling in the mud like pigs. Aunt Fred got drunk and danced around with Elvis all night. That wedding was a real fucking party.

My wedding will be uptight with food I don’t like, music I won’t want to listen to, and people I don’t know.

But at the end of the boring evening, I’ll get to keep Natasha. Her kids will move to my house. My cats will have new people to trip.

I can have the family I want in the house I bought back when this dream felt out of reach.


Bear is such an effortlessly handsome man. As soon as I see him standing on the sidewalk in his dark denim jeans, black T-shirt, and leather vest, I can’t wait to get my hands on him.

The longer I’m back in Banta City, the more I feel like the old Natasha. That’s why I’m dying to return to my charity work and hang out with my friends. And the old Natasha never wanted a man like she did Bear.

Once I get a taste of his lips and enjoy his arms around me, I don’t want to leave his lap. Fortunately, Siobhan acts as my common sense. She peels me off Bear and gets me back in my seat.

We have eyes on us. Security is spread out in a circle around our area. Whenever anyone moves toward our table, the team adjusts their stances and gets ready to pounce.
