Page 49 of Redeem Me

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“Yeah, you can’t date a pussy,” Tack says. “How the fuck would he survive holidays around the farm?”

“Can you imagine him meeting Caveman and the Hills Chapter?” I ask, chuckling at the thought. “No pussies for you, Siobhan. Find a guy who can look at your uncles and foster brothers without flinching.”

“No man like that exists. And if he did, he’d be suicidal. I don’t want a guy willing to die so easily. What if my girls get attached to him and then he goes and dies like a punk-ass bitch? That’ll mess them up. No way do I want Aneta scouting my girls one day for Stairway to Heaven because I picked a suicidal guy.”

Tack glances at me and then back at Siobhan. “I think you don’t want that imaginary guy because you aren’t over Sync.”

“That’s not it,” Siobhan says, seeming shocked by the suggestion. “I’m long past those childish dreams. I was just telling Natasha how I view Sync as my brother now, not as a former lover.”

“Your brother knocked you up with twins,” I reply, and Tack chuckles. “Incest isn’t cool, Siobhan.”

Tossing a handful of peanuts at me, she insists, “That was back when he was my lover and not my brother. It wasn’t creepy then.”

Tack and I chuckle at Siobhan’s fussing. She’s a hot chick, and I figure she’d do fine if she dated like a normal woman. The problem is men are nasty fucks, and she’s Aunt Fred’s baby girl. The club guys probably should let her run free, but it’s just easier to lock her down and hide the key.

“After this chaperoned thing, can I go on a real date with Natasha?”

“You’re marrying her in less than a month, spud. You can go on a bunch of dates then. Oh, that reminds me. Carys and I picked out the engagement ring. You’ll bequeath it upon Natasha’s delicate finger during this date. It’s important for her to be seen around town wearing the bling.”

“Who’s that going to impress?” Tack asks and eyes a few rough-looking guys entering the clubhouse. “Does anyone really care who Natasha Kovak marries?”

“Alec Brennan sure as hell does,” I mutter, and Tack shrugs. “You better keep your ass on alert when you’re out. A pig cut me off twice on the way here today. The Brennan family isn’t happy.”

“Cry me a fucking river. They’re not the first or last losers to want to own this town.”

Tack rests his beer bottle on the bar top. I follow his gaze to find those rough guys smelling their waitress. She’s in the process of doing the usual “you guys are so crazy” routine as she attempts to free herself from their clutches.

The bouncers ought to handle these assholes. One of them is a prospect from the farm. Nothing wrong with letting the bouncers do their jobs.

Yet, these assholes showed up and instantly started shit. I worry they’re doing the pigs’ bidding. Are they here to cause the club trouble like Stitt did before his usefulness wore out?

Zoot warned us the cops might try to raid the clubhouse on a bullshit warrant. That’s why Tack and I ask the men to leave.

I spot prison tats on the assholes’ forearms. Violence isn’t foreign to them, but these guys are dwarfed by Tack and me. They can put up a fight or pull a weapon, just like anyone else with a death wish. However, I sense by their gazes how they’re not looking to take their last breaths tonight.

Vacating the clubhouse, the men drive off without throwing a single punch. I want to write off their behavior as recently paroled assholes looking to get rowdy. Yet, deep down, I feel our enemies searching for weaknesses.

The Brennan family would be stupid to come at the club first when the Kovak Syndicate is their real target. However, I don’t sense the pigs and their allies have bled in a long time. They might have forgotten what it takes to bring down the powers that be.


After leaving Bear’s house with his scent on my clothes and his flavor on my lips, I masturbate for the first time in years.

Once the kids are asleep and I’m in the shower, I see Bear in my mind. I feel his strong, calloused hands on my body. I imagine his fingers instead of mine are plucking my clit. His lips are against my throat. I remember how his beard felt against my bare skin. Resting my hand on the wall to steady myself, I pretend I’m running my fingers through his chest hair. I moan his name as I find relief.

Sinking down to the shower floor, I let the hot water rain down on me. As my eyes close, I replay my time with Bear today. Of course, I skip all the grumpy nonsense. The man can’t express himself clearly. He spends all his time with people who either fear him or know his quirks. That’s why he gets what he wants without having to find the right words.

One day, I’ll know his quirks. Bear will know mine. Will we still be as attracted to each other once the mystery is gone?

I finally drag myself out of the shower and get dressed. Before I crawl into bed, I send a text to Bear, telling him goodnight. I want to say more, but I don’t know where his head is at right now.

I drift to sleep with Bear’s hungry kisses on my mind. Less than an hour later, I’m startled awake by a quiet rapping on the door. I scramble out of bed to answer before the kids wake.

I find Petra, Laszlo, and the night nanny in the hallway. My sister reaches for me in a panic.

“Brandon’s here,” Petra says as the nanny slides past me into the room with my dozing nephew. “He texted from the front gate.”

“Did he say why he’s here?”
