Page 47 of Redeem Me

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“It’s tradition in my family for the man’s side to choose the names, but I’d like to pick for our kids.”

“Okay, but nothing Russian.”

“I’m not Russian, Bear,” I mutter.

“You’re from around that part of the world.”

“You and I are from the same part of the world, you brute.”

“Stop calling me that.”

“No. Anything else I might call you could catch on with the kids. Don’t you prefer them thinking you’re a boot rather than a dumbass?”

“I’m not stupid.”

Poking his chest, I demand, “Prove it. Let me see your SAT scores.”

Bear laughs. “Nerd.”

His chuckles make me smile. “I don’t think you’re stupid, you know?”

“Just sloppy.”

Understanding his meaning, I lose my smile. “Not sloppy. You were indifferent. If you cared enough, you’d have been more careful.”

Though Bear looks scolded, he’s keeps bringing up his mistake. There’s no fixing how he stole the life of someone special to me. Though I’m not ready to forgive him, I’ve chosen to avoid throwing salt in that open wound.

It’s up to Bear to decide if that’s enough.


Natasha kisses me once more before she leaves for the evening. Our date is too damn short, and I keep searching for reasons to keep her around longer.

The kids cockblock me by yawning a lot. I look down at their sleepy faces and try to get irritated by how they’re luring my woman away. The little shits cheat by staring up at me and offering adorable grins.

Natasha watches me try to defeat two three-year-olds. If she thinks I’m a fucking idiot, she hides her feelings well. I don’t know where her heart is at all night. She seems happy, but I also feel her editing what she says.

After a too-short kiss, Natasha takes the kids to the waiting SUV.

“When will I see you again?”

“I don’t know,” Natasha replies, sizing me up in a flirty way. “But soon, I would assume. After all, we’re getting married in a month.”

With those words lingering in my thoughts, she disappears into the night. Unable to relax, I head to the clubhouse. The energy’s relaxed tonight. Siobhan works at one of the bar tops, talking up the club sluts who hang around for a chance to ride someone’s dick.

Though I win a few smiles from the women, they know I’m not an option. Tack is also off the market, yet the women can’t help fawning over the “hunky blond.”

Tack ignores them as he joins me at the bar top in front of Siobhan.

“How long will you wait for Hunter?” I ask him and win a frown for my rudeness.

“I don’t know. Eventually, a time will come when I’m done waiting.”

“Don’t threaten my friend,” Siobhan says and flicks a peanut at him.

“I’m just saying, at a point in the future, I will unleash my feelings on her, and she will submit. But I’m letting Hunter figure things out until then.”

“You’re a generous man,” I tell him.
