Page 43 of Redeem Me

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“Nope. You had terrible skills. I had to show you where my dick was.”

“Dick,” Jacinda whispers to Hector, and I noticed they’ve slithered closer to the wary cats.

“My dick was,” Hector whispers back.

Bear frowns at them. “How do they know which ones are the bad words?”

“They hear how your tone changes when you punctuate the bad words. They’re not stupid.”

“Are you saying I am?”

“Well, you did just claim I needed help finding your dick. Seems like that was more of a self-burn on your size rather than a dig at my skills.”

Bear frowns, takes nearly a minute to catch on, and then rolls his eyes. “My dick is plenty big.”

“Yes, it is. You’re very impressive. So good in bed,” I mock and wave my arms around in the way Siobhan does when she’s taunting someone in a backhanded way. “What a stunning fella. Is your ego fed enough, you big brute?”

“Boot,” Jacinda whispers to Hector.

“Shoe,” Hector whispers back as they slither closer to the scared cats.

I notice how King Crab shoves himself further under the couch. Meanwhile, Lobster Mac gets brave enough to inch toward the curious kids.

When my gaze returns to Bear, I find him watching me like he does rude bastards about to get kicked out of the clubhouse.

“Maybe we shouldn’t get married,” Bear mumbles and shoves his hands in his pockets like a big baby.

“No way, bucko,” I say, on the move immediately and erasing the space between us. “You came to my house and demanded the deal. People know this is happening. If you renege, that bullshit splashes on my family. You’re sticking to the deal.”

“So did good-girl Natasha only agree as a way to make nice with her scary mom and pop?”

I stare into his dark blue eyes and sense the real man hiding behind this rough mask. Without a doubt, I’ve hurt Bear O’Malley’s feelings.

Ha! Good! I’m happy he’s suffering. Stupid brute killed Ollie and ruined everything! I ought to rub those facts right in his big, dumb, handsome face!

Instead, I say, “I don’t want to marry Joey Del Vecchio. Or any other stranger. I want it to be you. I didn’t think it could be you, though. Then, you came to the house and demanded it be you. Now, you’re saying you don’t want it to be you.”

“Do you even want me or are you just looking to stay in Banta City?”

“You feckless, little whiner,” I sneer, going from sympathetic to enraged too quickly to pull the emergency brakes. “I flirted with you. I got the ball rolling. I did all the fucking work to get us in bed,” I say and poke his hard chest.

Though Bear tries to respond, I’m quick to interrupt. “Then, the next time around, you had the audacity to ignore me. Only after I got upset did you throw me a sympathy fuck.”

Bear frowns like I’m in need of a lecture. Before he can say anything, I finish up with, “So, let’s not pretend you’re the injured victim here. I’ve long been very obviously attracted to you. You’re the cold bitch, not me. You could have enjoyed my body way more than you did if you hadn’t been a slutty whore with too many options to settle on little old me.”

Cocking an eyebrow, Bear grumbles, “Are you done?”

Thinking about everything I’ve said, I’m fairly sure I covered all my pertinent points. “Yes actually.”

Bear wraps his large hand around the back of my neck and tugs me closer. His lips cover mine, taking what he wants.

I’m tempted to deprive him. He jerked me around back when I’d wanted only him. His sloppiness led to the death of my friend. He’s been pushy and entitled since he saw me at the mansion. I really ought to shove him away and make him suffer.

Instead, I lean into the kiss and press my body against his. My fingers skim his chest, enjoying the hard muscles hiding underneath.

I can’t think straight when it comes to Bear O’Malley. He’s owned a part of me, even before we shared our first taste.

Now, despite how frustrating he’s behaving, I can only hold on and hope to never let go.
