Page 38 of Redeem Me

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I was already fucking stupid about Natasha. The woman’s long held a crazy power over me. As soon as I tasted her lips, I felt as if I’d handed a part of myself to her.

Riding away from the Thibeaux Mansion, I realize she owns me more now. I ought to hate that shit. Except this time around, I hold more power.

Natasha needs me. I am the monster she knows. She might have flipped out when I demanded she keep the deal, yet I know she craves the same future as I do.

I spend an hour racing around town, just letting myself deal with the frenzy Natasha whips up inside me. I can feel her skin against my fingertips. Even with her battered face, she’s still the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen. And if I stay focused, she’ll be mine.

Stopping at a 1980s-themed burger joint, I order a burger and fries from a dude with crimped hair and fake eyelashes. Madonna plays overhead, wearing on my nerves. The only reason I tolerate the noise is to get a batch of the best fries in the entire city.

Tack and Indigo brought me here when Natasha ran off. They filled me up with great food before taking me to the clubhouse for booze and pussy. Rather than make me feel better, I was only reminded of how no woman was ever going to make my heart feel right like Natasha did.

Waiting on my chocolate shake, I text Aneta and explain how I’m getting married.

“Who’s the lucky girl?” she texts back.

Rolling my eyes, I reply, “What makes you think it’s a girl?”

“So, you and Indigo are finally making things official, huh? I always wondered why he wouldn’t put out,” she texts back, really fucking with me. “Congrats, btw.”

“I won’t ghost you unless Natasha demands it.”

“You’ve got to do right by the one you love.”

I consider Aneta’s words. Is it possible to love Natasha when I don’t really know her? We’ve never gone on a date. Even when we’re together in two days, she’s bringing along the kids.

Of course, the last engagement was supposed to last a month. That’s how long it takes for the Kovak family to put together a wedding and announce the engagement to all the right people.

I’m back on the road as the failing sun creates a golden glow over the city. I consider going home. I want to walk around the place and see it with fresh eyes. What issues might Natasha have with the setup? Is it safe for kids?

I’m idling between two police cars at a light when I receive a text from Aunt Fred. As soon as the light turns green, I change directions and head for the farm.

This place has changed some since I first showed up. There are more houses built on the property. The old red barn was torn down and replaced with state-of-the-art stables.

I enter the main house to find Elvis dancing to his namesake. His grandsons, Hicks and Hudson, wiggle around to the beat of “Such a Night.” The kids barely acknowledge me as Elvis points toward the back of the house.

I walk through the wide hallways until I reach the back sunroom, where Aunt Fred sits with her brother, Caveman. Just outside are Zoot and Noble. My president enters when he spots me.

“Is this thing sticking?” he demands like I’m the enemy.

Unable to stop myself, I growl, “I want her.”

“We get that,” Zoot snarls at me, and I wonder why he’s so pissed before remembering he’s Zoot and everything pisses him off. “But is this thing happening?”

“I’m not letting Natasha Kovak weasel out of the deal again.”

Caveman snorts at our argument and rests his feet on a coffee table. He swallows up the room with his massive size. I’m surprised he isn’t egging us on. The men of the Hills Chapter spend their days looking for reasons to throw fists.

Meanwhile, Aunt Fred breaks through the testosterone and rests her hand on my shoulder.

“Bear, you’re speaking of a woman you want to spend your life with. Maybe dial down the animosity.”

“I’m not angry.”

Aunt Fred squeezes my shoulder. “It’s okay to admit you’re upset.”

“Yeah, filly, share those fucking feelings of yours,” Caveman taunts. “The world’s your very own therapy session.”
