Page 22 of Redeem Me

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“I don’t love Natasha Kovak. Hell, I don’t even know her.”

“Natasha does something funky deep inside you,” Aneta says and pokes me in the chest. “That’s why you always refer to her by her full name. It’s like you think her last name will distract you from the woman you want.”

“I’m just restless. Nothing personal about it.”

“Plenty of young women would love to ride you, Bear. Not just for one night, either. You’ve got that big house, and your voice makes girls go wild. With you, they’d have it on easy street with money and a hot man. But you show them zero interest.”

Wishing I had hidden at home rather than coming to the clubhouse, I don’t want Aneta to be honest. I was looking for pity. That’s why I only spit out, “I don’t want a wife or kids.”

“Then, why buy the house?”

“It’s a nice fucking house.”

“Yeah, but it’s not suited for a single man.”

“I have the cats.”

Aneta smiles and watches me through an entire song. I hate the feeling of being analyzed.

“You had a tough day,” she says, throwing me the pity I seek. “Having that woman back and knowing people are talking about you is a lot to handle. I’m here to meet someone about a job, but maybe afterward, we could...” She finishes by rubbing my thigh up near my cock.

I lean away from her and frown as if she’s crossed a line. Aneta removes her hand and laughs.

“That’s what I thought,” she says, sampling her drink again. “If Tommy showed up, I’d have zero interest in you, Bear. We’d still be friends. Well, unless Tommy said it made him uncomfortable. Then, I’d ghost you. That’s how much I want him. Deep down, that’s how much you want Natasha Kovak.”

I’ve always been honest with Aneta in a way I can’t be with others. We’ve gotten drunk, fucked, and whined about how we lost the only people we’ve ever truly wanted.

But I’m not drunk enough to be honest. We’re also surrounded by a party. Though my feelings sting at how Natasha found another guy so quickly, I can’t share shit in this place. So, I just gulp down my first beer, start chugging the second, and flash a frown at my old friend.

“What job are you meeting about?” I ask, changing the subject.

“I was out shopping and ran into a sex goddess. She just moved to town. Has money and seems to want to go wild. I’m trying to talk her into dancing for the club. She’d be quite the catch.”

“Do women really dance if they don’t need the money?”

“Sure. Some just like the attention. I got the feeling this chick was from a repressed background and dying to be a wild child. Oh, and she has a twin sister. Can you imagine if I can recruit them both?”

“Your life is weird,” I mutter, making her laugh.

Aneta reaches around to hug me. “I love you, Bear. I hope you can see past your ego and claim that rich mafia bitch as your woman. It’s what you deserve.”

“She hates me,” I grumble as Aneta still hugs me like I’m her giant kid. “And she left. And she fucked some other guy and then sent his ass to the boneyard. What the fuck do I want with her?”

“I don’t know. She sounds awful, and I’d never stoop so low to want her,” she says, settling back into her spot and grinning at me. “But you never could shake your need for her, so maybe you can see your way to getting back into her pants.”

Though I open my mouth to complain, Aneta’s only got eyes for a hot chick headed in our direction.

“Admit it,” Aneta says, pushing me out of her booth. “You’d pay money to see this chick naked.”

I don’t answer because the woman has arrived. Walking around behind her, I look at Aneta and shrug. She waves me off, thinking I’m full of shit.

I head to a smaller bar top in the corner of the massive clubhouse. A third beer does nothing to calm my bad mood. I’m considering a fourth when Noble slides into the spot next to me and orders a Negroni.

“Give me one too,” I tell the bartender.

“You’re going to need to sleep off the booze here rather than risking a ride home.”

“I’m not even drunk.”
