Page 13 of Redeem Me

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My brother offers me an annoyed scowl. He opens his mouth to explain before deciding I’m unworthy of such a courtesy. When he gestures for me to leave the room, I hurry to the bathroom to clean my tearstained face.

Returning to the door, I find Jacinda with her little fingers wrapped around Leon’s pinkie. My brother looks like a trapped animal, wanting to break free. He doesn’t dare yank his hand away, though.

Picking up a tired Hector, I smile and follow after my brother. Downstairs, we walk past armed men and down long, echoey hallways. Jacinda keeps hold of Leon who shortens his steps to avoid dragging her.

Inside the east wing’s greeting room, I nearly come out of my skin with glee over the sight of my best friend and her daughters.

Siobhan looks glorious in her faded jeans and simple pale blue blouse. I adore how she didn’t dress up for this visit. I get the sense she was in a rush. Even her hair seems slightly damp.

Jacinda frees Leon who exhales with relief. She inches closer to me and peeks at the two girls flanking Siobhan. Hector wants down so he can stand with his sister.

“I can’t believe I haven’t spoken to you in two years,” Siobhan announces, using her “I want to speak to your manager” voice. “You abandoned our friendship and made no attempt to contact me. I have spent all these years loathing your existence.”

“I admit I did you wrong,” I reply, playing along with her ruse. “Is there any way I can regain your friendship?”

“No, never.”

“What if I say I’m sorry?”

Waving off my words, she plays the victim. “It’s been too long with absolutely no contact.”

I glance behind me to find Leon standing absolutely still in that “Terminator” way he has about himself. Finally, growing weary of our lies, he rolls his eyes and walks out of the room.

I wait until the door closes before I rush into Siobhan’s open arms.

“You’re safe now,” she says, gripping me and knowing what I need to hear.

“I’ve missed you so much.”

“Everything will be okay now.”

As tears burn my eyes, I whisper in her ear. “I sent Andrew to the boneyard.”

Siobhan lets me go enough to study my battered face. I expect her to lose her temper, but she sighs instead.

“Only because you had to. There’s a reason no one sheds any tears when the abuser dies in ‘Goodbye Earl.’ Sometimes, a trip to the boneyard is the ending a person deserves.”

I look around the room, assuming we’re being monitored. Siobhan’s gaze follows mine.

“I’m scared.”

Siobhan refuses to be a pessimist and insists, “You’re free now.”

“They’re going to marry me off.”


“I don’t know.”

“But not right now.”

“No, but soon.”

“But not right now,” she says again, emphasizing each word.

Focusing on her meaning, I force a smile and enjoy how we’re sharing the same space again.

I pull my gaze away from her beautiful face and look at her daughters.
