Page 68 of Hearty

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Dad sits on one of the white Adirondack chairs surrounding the state-of-the-art paved fire pit, bossing people around in his new role as overseer of all things. Not the do-er, not anymore, and in the past few months, he’s really taken to his retired relaxation lifestyle by ordering us all around.

“I’m working on it,” I grumble, attempting once more to turn on the built-in gas line.

“You’re doing it wrong, here.” August bends to help, her hand covering mine and effortlessly lights the thing.

“Show off.” I grab her around the waist, pulling her in for a big, wet kiss in front of the whole family.

“You love it.” She doesn’t even bother to push away from me.

Our family is used to this by now, me being overt in my public displays of affection. I just can’t help it, I’m so damn head over heels for my woman.

“I love you,” I counter.

“Ah, that honeymoon phase. Stay in that bliss for as long as you can.” Cass makes heart eyes at us.

“As if I didn’t catch you and Patrick going at in the shared upstairs bathroom before.” Gabrielle rats them out.

“Okay, too much information.” Liam shoots a glare at his wife.

Both Gabrielle and Cass cradle new babies. The Ashton family is a growing, living thing that never seems to stop. By the time we get around to it, my siblings will have more than enough kids for a football team roster.

Mom rolls her eyes. “We all know how those little babies arrive. Same way you four did.”

“Jeez, Ma, come on. It was bad enough I had to move out of your house because of … activities. I don’t need to keep hearing about them,” I lament.

“Told you that’s why he disappeared so fast.” My dad elbows Mom and wiggles his eyebrows.

“Gross.” Patrick shudders.

“I’ve got wine!” Alana chooses that moment to walk up with a bunch of bottles and paper cups in her hands.

Of course, the first guests at the Ashton Inn are the Ashtons themselves. It wouldn’t be fitting otherwise. This weekend, August and I invited everyone to stay and dine at the almost completed Hope Crest relaxation destination to work out the kinks and see what else needs to be done before opening day.

They all spent the day exploring the newly landscaped grounds, tennis courts, and gardens, as well as the path that leads out to the canal and down to the river. Tonight, we’re having appetizers and dessert by the fire pits, and then we’ll all go up to bed in the rooms August handcrafted with specific themes. Tomorrow, I’ll give them a full tasting course of the solidified menu for the restaurant in the inn.

Through a hectic thirteen months, construction, permits, August pushing everyone to the brink, lining up my restaurant suppliers, picking out decor, signing linen contracts, and everything else under the sun … it’s a miracle neither of us lost our minds. We’ve worked twenty-hour days, barely slept at times, yet it was such an exhilarating process that I think August and I would say we’d do it again in a heartbeat.

This inn is our passion project, our baby. It’s brought us closer than ever when something like this might drive another couple apart.

“I’m just going to grab the small plates and I’ll be back out.” August gives me a little pat on the butt and untangles herself from me.

Watching her walk away is damn satisfying, even if I miss her like a limb every time she’s out of sight. My whole life, I always wanted what my parents and siblings had. Now I have it; August is my other half, the person I want to be with at all times.

“You’ve got the ring?” Nonna sidles up beside me.

“You want to keep your voice down?” I grumble, not wanting her to ruin the surprise.

She rolls her eyes. “As if everyone doesn’t already know you’re going to ask her to marry you on the trip. This family is a bunch of gossips.”

I guess there goes that surprise, not that I anticipate anyone who knows keeping their mouth shut. “So long as they don’t ruin it for August, I don’t care.”

“No one would do that. Our girl deserves the best things in life.” She palms my face in a rare moment of sweetness. “Including you, my sweet boy. You always remind me so much of me as a child. August is lucky to have you.”

“Thanks, Nonna.” I blush.

In anticipation of the inn opening and how damn busy we’re both going to be, I convinced August to take a week’s vacation with me. Talking her into getting away at this point in the opening process was a tough sell, but Warren has triple assured her that he’ll handle everything. We’re flying to Italy tomorrow to vacation and visit the town my ancestors grew up in. Plus, August has already set aside a budget to buy and ship a ton of decorative items for the inn, so I guess this trip is also for business, too.

One thing she has no idea will be on the itinerary? Me getting down on one knee. Once we started to plan the vacation, I knew I didn’t want to propose anywhere else but the homeland of my family. It’s romantic, sentimental, and the perfect way to let August know that she’s truly going to be one of us from here on out.

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