Page 42 of Sizzle

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“He’s overdoing it after what he did to Cass,” Patrick says, and although I know he’s mostly joking, I think it might still be a sore spot.

“Who I love more than some of my own kids, now.” He reaches for Cassandra’s hand and squeezes it.

“Not fair.” Alana pouts. “You like your in-law kids better than us.”

“Well, it’s not my fault they’re so kind, sweet to me, and tend to side in my favor. That bodes well for you, Gabrielle.” Dad winks at her.

My woman throws her head back and laughs. The reaction shocks me for a moment because if we’re both translating it the same way, she thinks Dad will like her more once she’s his daughter-in-law. Meaning we’ll end up together.

Thoughts swirl inside my head that include weddings and homes and a future I want so desperately, I can taste it.

“Wait, the young woman who used to be a teacher and moved back? Isn’t that Lucy’s granddaughter?” Mom finally comes into the conversation after wiping her hands off on her apron.

“Lucy?” Nonna asks, eyeing me like I’ve been keeping secrets from her.

“Everyone, this is Gabrielle Murphy. Yes, she used to teach here. But she hasn’t in a long time, and she moved back to close down her grandmother Lucy’s old bookstore after she passed. She and I have been seeing each other, and I care very deeply for her. So be nice, or I’ll gut you.”

“There’s our disgruntled asshole.” Evan points at me. “Plus, she’s way prettier than you. I’d never be mean to someone so pretty.”

“Cut it out, idiot,” I growl at my brother.

Even though I know he’s joking, the jealousy monster in me claws to get out of my chest.

“Gabrielle, I’m so happy you’re joining us for dinner. And happy that you make my son so happy. For once, I think I’ve seen more smiles on Liam’s face than scowls in a week, and I bet I have you to thank for that.”

“Gross, Ma,” Evan mumbles, and I elbow him in the ribs.

To his credit, Patrick also gives our younger brother a side-eye at his innuendo. Thankfully, no one else seems to hear it. And when Mom leaves the room after plopping a chaffing dish in Gabrielle’s arms, I make everyone hang back to give them time.

Well, except for me, who sneaks around the corner to listen as they set the table.

“I’ve seen you once or twice at the theater with Cassandra, and I always meant to say hi, but something always distracted me. I’m sorry about that, it wasn’t very neighborly of me. Especially for someone so important to my son. I’m sorry about your grandmother. Lucy was a strong and kind woman, and I very much enjoyed the conversations I had with her over the years.” My mother’s voice conveys sympathy.

It strikes me that she knew Gabrielle’s grandmother better than I did. “I’d love to hear about those conversations some time. Please, don’t apologize. I try to keep a low profile in town, being relatively new and not knowing a lot of people. I’m just thankful to be here tonight, your house feels like such a warm home.”

“It is, filled with decades of happy memories, some of which I’m sure will be argued around this table tonight. Tell me, are you happy to be back in Hope Crest?”

While I’m sure Gabrielle was most nervous to meet my mother tonight, this couldn’t be going better. Of course it is, this is the most amazing woman I’ve ever met, meeting the other most amazing woman I’ve ever known. She’s holding her own in this house full of my crazy family members, not that I ever doubted she would.

“I am. It’s such a charming place, and I love being somewhere that feels so warm and friendly. Every time I walk down the street, at least five people say hi to me, and they barely know me.” Gabrielle chuckles. “I just wish it could have been sooner or before my grandmother passed. I would have loved to have seen the bookshop in its best shape.”

“It was such a beautiful little store. I took my children there nearly every Easter to pick out books for each other’s baskets.”

I’d forgotten about that until now, a tradition we hadn’t done since we were kids and still believed in that magic bunny. Hearing her talk to my girlfriend about it makes me want to do the same things with my kids one day.

“But you’re loving working at the theater? What’s the next production?” Mom is always the best at making others highlight the best parts of themselves.

“I do. The classes are so much fun to teach. I always liked working with kids, but this is in a way that I’m actually passionate about. It took me kind of rearranging my life a bit to realize that, but I’m happier where I am than I have been in a while. I guess a lot of that has to do with Liam.”

The smile in her voice is everything. I might be peeping around the corner, but chills break out on my skin at Gabrielle’s words to my mother.

“My oldest son is a very special man, and only a woman wise enough to see that would be the right one for him.” My mom speaks from experience, having dealt with my moody ass for all these years. “Which is why I’m glad he met you.”

“It’s rude to eavesdrop, Liam.” I feel the thwack of a kitchen towel on my back and turn to see Nonna bringing a dish into the dining room.

“Not when I really want my family to love the woman I’m dating,” I whisper back.

My grandmother stops in her tracks. “You already know that. Any woman you bring here has an automatic A plus stamped on her. Because it’s you, Liam. You have some of the most shrewd judgment I’ve ever seen. Any woman you fall in love with will have to be damn near perfect. Saintlike, in our books. Gabrielle is wonderful.”

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