Page 32 of Sizzle

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“I never bargained for you,” she whispers as the last ray of sun descends. “This path I was supposed to follow was supposed to lead to happiness, you know? Do everything in the right order, to the right standard, and it would pay off. Except you’re right, they never tell you as a kid that so much of life is enjoyed when you’re off that stupid beaten path.”

“Which is why you came tonight.” I fill in the blank.

Nate doesn’t seem to want to interrupt but silently clears the table as he sets down dessert and disappears.

“Because I’m finding that when I’m with you, I can very clearly see who I want to be and how I want to live.”

It’s the most perfect thing she could have said and even gives me enough confidence to fork a bite of cheesecake off and feed it to her. The gesture is more than sexual, even though a zing of lust traces down my spine when I do so.

Being able to feed her demonstrates the trust she has in me, and with each passing moment, a new fiber of connection sews us together.

I’m just hoping she’ll let me fashion so many that someday, we’re inseparable.



Our steps are slow and measured as Liam walks me to my front door.

“Do you want to come in?”

He hesitates as I dig in my purse to find my keys. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

Tonight was the best date I’ve ever been on, and I thought that after our pizza in the theater. So this man now holds two of the top spots in my best dates record book, and he’s standing here like a gentleman about to kiss me on the cheek properly and head back to his car. From the twinkling fairy lights to the delicious food to the wine that loosened my tongue a bit to the hypnotic rocking of the dock, tonight blew any other act of romance I’ve ever received out of the water.

Liam killed the planning and execution of our first dinner out, and I don’t want it to end here.

“Liam, I’m an adult. I’m a woman who knows exactly how much weight each action holds, and I know what I said about moving at my speed. Well, this is my speed. I had a wonderful time tonight, you gave me the best date ever, and I don’t want you to say goodbye at the door. I want you to come in. I want to take you up to my bed, and I want the rugged man I was promised.”

Those gray eyes flash with lust under my front door lamplight. “As long as you’re sure?”

“I couldn’t be more certain.” I reach out for his hand as I simultaneously unlock my front door, and then we’re through the threshold.

“I’m really happy you had a good time tonight.” His hands come to my waist as we shuffle backward into the core part of my grandmother’s condo.

“I’m really happy, period.” A nod back to our conversation over dinner about finding happiness instead of what you’re supposed to do or be.

Then I press up on my toes to taste his mouth. When our tongues meet, the kiss growing gradually from sweet and caressing to firmer and more passionate, I taste the same wine and cheesecake I devoured, as well. The memories of our date swirl around, joining the growing feelings I have for this man. To call something perfect means a lot to me since I haven’t experienced much of it in my life, but if I had to give it thirty-five years to get this, I’d do it all over again.

Liam groans as I press my body closer to his, our arms wrapping around each other as my nipples tighten against the fabric of my bra.

“I’ve never tasted anything as sweet as you.” His lips skim down my neck as my fingers long to explore the expanse of his abs while pushing up his shirt.

“Take me upstairs,” I tell him, because I know he’s only going to follow my lead.

So lead, I will. Well, as much as I can since this lean, outdoorsy sex god just picked me up as if I’m a wheelbarrow full of soil he needed to fertilize some crops. So not sexy, but his farmer discourse is really getting to me.

My legs twine around his waist, and he’s so hard I can feel his cock pulse as he shifts with each stair he takes. Hands in his hair, I pull every time he bites my neck in the most scintillating way.

“To the left,” I direct him as he crests the landing, and in no time, I’m tossed onto the guest room bed.

“God, you’re fucking gorgeous.” He practically growls as he begins to unbutton his shirt and toe off his boots.

I sit up on my elbows, appreciating the show, but Liam lowers an eyebrow like he expects me to be clothes-free by the time he kneels on the bed. Still, I don’t immediately begin undressing because what’s in front of me is mesmerizing.

Tawny skin lays over cut muscle, not from the gym or clean eating but from hours of hard, manual labor. Liam is a different kind of muscular that I prefer, lean in a way that only men who use their hands for hours on the land can be. My mouth nearly waters as he strips the shirt off his shoulders, letting his abs and biceps bunch as his hands go to his belt buckle. Those gray eyes are dilated with want and need, and I can’t help but stare at his tongue as he bites it between his teeth in anticipation.

“No fair that you’re still fully clothed.” His plump lower lip pouts.

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