Page 11 of Sizzle

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A moan escapes before I can help it, and Liam is doing dangerous things to my neck as he sucks in the exact right spot that makes white dots appear at the edges of my vision.

“Not here, someone will see.”

Those big, rough, blunt fingertips make contact with the skin at my waist as he pushes my shirt up, and my nipples tingle with the need to be under his touch.

“Let them. I’m not fucking hiding this.” Those words mean way more than he’s letting on at this moment, we both know it, but I ignore that underlying meaning.

Instead, I hop off the counter and lead him to the back, where stacks of half-empty bookshelves conceal us.

“This isn’t doing a good job of warding off my teacher fantasies.” His growl is both sarcastic and lethal.

But instead of blanching from the fact this looks like some library tryst, I back up into one and take him with me. Now that he’s claimed my mouth, I know I won’t stop this. This spark between us ignited into a full inferno, one that I won’t be foolish enough to try to put out before I know how good it feels to be burned.

In a flash, our hands are everywhere. He whips my shirt off to get a handful of my breasts, and I slip the straps from my shoulders as he fiddles with the clasp. Together we pull it off, my breasts heavy and needy as he palms them.

“Oh God,” I hiss out, knowing it’s been too long since anyone paid them some worthy attention.

They fit in his hands perfectly, and he jiggles them like a boy seeing his first pair in a funny sort of way.

“You have no idea how much I’ve dreamed of seeing these.” That voice is as rough as the calluses on his hands, which now stroke over my skin and send jolts directly between my thighs.

“I think I might,” I whisper, knowing I’ve probably dreamed of this moment just as much.

It would be ridiculous for me to admit that I’ve woken in the middle of the night probably a hundred times over the years, with sweat pooling my sheets and wetness between my legs over a sex dream I had of Liam Ashton.

Alternating between breasts, he lavishes my nipples with his tongue. My body warms to the point of boiling, but I need to touch him, too. Reaching out, I pop the button on his jeans and pull his zipper down, Liam moving so that he can use his mouth on my skin and give me access to stroke him in my fist.

With bated breath, I touch him, reveling the sinew of muscles as his lower abs flex from the contact of my fingers. Without missing a beat, he uses one hand to pull his shirt from behind his back over his head, and my God, does this man look like some kind of pornstar sucking my tits while undressing himself in one smooth move.

Squirming because I need friction between my legs, I push his jeans and boxers past his hips and let my nostrils flare as I take in what bobs out as I release it.

“Holy shit,” I deadpan, because, well … holy shit.

Liam chuckles as he straightens to his full height, letting me drink in the sight of him wearing nothing but his pants around his ankles.

“Told you I’m a man.” The usually grumpy asshole has turned into some kind of smirking sex god before me, and it’s thrown me for a loop.

Usually, Liam is either scowling or haunting corners like a rugged vampire. Not three minutes ago, he was nearly yelling at me on the sidewalk. I assumed whenever we collided, our sex would be rushed in a flurry of forbidden ecstasy. Rough fucking to get it out of our system.

But this? This is different. Hell, everything since the first time I’d seen Liam has felt different between us than it ever had or did with any guy since.

Man? The guy is hung like a freaking giant. I’m not even sure the size of his penis is legal. Gulping because, holy hell, do I still want that desperately inside me? We stare at each other for a moment. Me in my jeans. Him pretty much naked.

The two of us are on the precipice of something we can’t walk back from. Shit, we’ve already gone too far. This changes it all.

Yet, I don’t care. Just like Liam said, I’m tired of running. Of refusing to admit what I want from him. Possibly with him. I already have a foot in the door, and I’m not turning back now.

As if making the choice at the same moment, Liam and I launch at each other. Hands, teeth, mouths, lips … it all blurs together in one passion-fueled escapade.

I fist him and stroke from base to tip, my hand not even closing all the way around him, as Liam groans into my mouth and juts his hips forward.

Quickly, my pants get kicked off, and I slide out of my underwear to hint at what I need. The minute he grips my hip to widen my stance, I know I’m a goner. A thick knuckle brushes over my clit, as if testing my readiness, and I arch off the bookshelf, whining in need of more contact.

“Fuck, your noises,” he whispers as if I’ve branded him.

Two fingers enter me, stretching me impossibly as he curls them up to the spot that makes the world go blurry. I mewl, dropping my head to his shoulder and nipping at the skin as he thrusts in a rhythm that sets my veins on fire.

“Oh, hell, that feels so good,” I tell him.
