Page 73 of The Warlock's Trial

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Lucas gasped for breath, and sweat dripped down his brow. “Don’t know. Something to do with my death powers, I guess. Let’s go!”

I ran toward Lucas, and Talia and Grant followed. Executors pursued us, but Lucas conjured a shield that held as we fled toward the front doors. A powerful spell landed against his shield and bounced off. Magic exploded against the wall, shattering one of the windows. Another spell blasted through the doorway. I saw a flash of light out of the corner of my eye, then heard the sound of Lucas’s shield shattering.

I whirled around to see four Executors standing in the doorway, their wands raised and ready for another attack. I didn’t take a moment to think about it. Something within me snapped, and I siphoned their magic for my own before they could cast a spell. Power burst out of me.

Magic swept up the stairway in the blink of an eye, encompassing the entire foyer in the blast. Windows shattered, and walls crumbled. Everything happened so quickly that the Executors didn’t get the chance to scream. They were killed instantly, their bloody bodies falling into a heap at the front of the school.

Building materials rained down over the front steps, and the earth beneath us rumbled. I sank to my knees as my head spun. Lucas’s features swam in front of me.

“Nad, are you okay?” He grabbed my shoulders and shook me. I was relieved to see him on his feet.

My hands shook. “I wasn’t going to let them hurt my family.”

“Never,” Lucas promised as he wrapped me in his arms.

“Time to go!” Grant said in a rush.

My vision steadied, and I looked toward the front gates to find Executors pouring onto the school grounds. There had to be over a hundred Executors, all coming for our heads.

“Run!” Lucas shouted. He grabbed my hand and helped me to my feet, and we took off running.

Spells rained down on us. Lucas threw up a shield, but it was only enough to deflect battle spells. My feet swept out from under me, and I felt the magic of a Mentalist lift me off the ground until I was dangling upside down.

Chloe grabbed my hands, and I felt her magic fight against my attacker. The magic levitating me snapped as Chloe overpowered the spell. I landed hard on my stomach and scrambled to my feet before I could catch my breath. I took off running beside my friends.

The Oaken Wands glowed as Grant and Talia siphoned magic from the Executors. We skirted around the side of the building and sprinted toward the trees.

“Keep running!” Lucas shouted. “We aren’t outside the ward yet.”

We ran through the trees. Spells whizzed by our heads and hit tree trunks beside us. They were closing in on us—and fast.

“Get ready for the portal,” Lucas warned.

Talia shot a panicked glance behind her shoulder. “They can’t follow us through, can they?”

Lucas dodged around a tree, and his feet faltered beneath him. “Not if I take us to the one place they can’t go.”

The heaviness of the ward surrounding the school passed through me, and I felt lighter as we broke through the other side of the ward. “Now, Lucas!” I cried.

Grant and Talia aimed their wands behind us. Powerful magic blasted out of the ends of the Oaken Wands, causing an explosion on the other side of the forest. Screams filled the air.

Lucas grabbed my hand and lifted the other palm. Magic surged through us both, and a portal bloomed in front of us. I paid no attention to what was on the other side. I trusted my husband whole-heartedly, so when he told me to jump, I did.

The cats yowled as we tumbled through the portal. I landed on solid ground and rolled across the dirt. When I came to a stop, I saw pine trees towering above me. The sound of a stream trickled nearby. We had landed in a coniferous forest that appeared to be thousands of years old. It had been the dead of night when we left, but now I could see the first of the morning sun rays peeking over the horizon.

I shivered as a cold chill spread across my skin. Snow dusted the ground, and through a bit of sparse trees, I spotted mountains in the distance. Magic pulsed through the air around me, but it felt different from the witch magic I was used to—though I couldn’t quite put my finger on the strange sensation.

I pushed myself to my elbows and glanced around. Remnants of giant shells from hatched eggs scattered the area, along with bones that were so large they could’ve belonged to dinosaurs. I dropped my gaze to the dirt, where I saw wolf paw prints that were larger across than my hand. Large feathers that could’ve belonged to a griffin were spread everywhere. In the distance, I heard the sound of a dragon’s roar.

I took a moment to catch my breath. The silence filling the air told me we were safe, though my pulse still pounded in my ears. Lucas immediately cast a shield around us, and his gaze darted around the forest to check if we were safe.

“Where are we?” Chloe asked.

“The one place the priestesses and the Executors are scared to go,” Lucas said in a dark tone. “Malovia… the home of the fae.”

Chapter Eleven

